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Mod Community Base 3.0 - multiple bases, limited actions allowed - see rules

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I\'ll get you added to the list and sal_vager removed. Misterspork PM\'ed me that he\'s re-flying his mission sometime today.

Generally speaking, after you land - go to the space center and then return to your craft from the tracking station. If it explodes or rolls over or otherwise breaks, it was going to do that anyway the first time someone else lands there.

sss and zekes, still need to know planned target landing zone (minmus 'Lake of Broken Landers', Mun 'Thrionian Cloria I Base', or establishing a first base on Kerbin at a location of your choosing) before I can add you to the list. None of the existing bases on Minmus or Mun will be populated enough by your turns to plan on opening new bases on those bodies yet. This is first properly registered, first flown, so neither of you has a place on the list yet since you didn\'t name the planned destination.

I\'m asking for this so that people can plan ahead for whether there will be a chance to open a new base somewhere when they are registering. I\'ll start putting the # of completed and registered flights next to each base.

The next person who registers for the Mun base, for example, would (if all are flown in order) make a total of 5 craft there and allow the person after that to register to open a new Mun base if they wanted to.

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I\'d like to sign up for a Mun mission!

Landing Site: Thrionian Cloria I Base (Mun)

New Mod: Silisko Edition 2 Alpha Pack (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=6397.0)

Mission: Land an extended-stay research vehicle

Launch Vehicle: To be determined (under development)

Hopefully I\'ll be ready to launch by the time my turn comes in a week or so... I\'m still getting used to Silisko\'s parts at the moment.

Good luck to everyone else! :)

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Thrfoot, adding you to the list - that will give us five at Cloria I, enough to open a second Mun base.

I want to know when I can launch.

zekes, you can launch when you specify which base you\'ll be adding to, and when your turn comes around... You\'re not reading the rules, or at least rule 2 is confusing you. The options are now: 1. land at the existing 'Lake of Broken Landers' Minmus Base, 2. land at the existing 'Cloria I' Mun base, 3. start a new Mun base at a location of your choosing, 4. start a new Kerbin base at a location of your choosing. Pick one of those four.

You can also always just say for a third time 'I want to land at a base' - if you want to continue not getting added to the flight list. :D

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While i want to be part of this, i am not sure im expirienced enough to land these in the right places, at least i may be able to make a founding base. Using mechjeb i can probably get it there with the smart A.S.S controls but anyways, i think i want to land either one of these ships.

First, an unmanned rover that would just be to move around.




Or, a manned lander that would land once and then be able to travel back to Kerbin with its upper stage leaving it\'s lower stage on the ground, As a generator for the other missions.



I\'m still deciding on which one I should send, when i send it :P

Also, is this thing like role playing? can the solar panels be used for anything?

(the lander is called eta carinae II btw)

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Sounds good. I\'ll get you added to the list in a few hours!

This is a just for fun and for cool group-of-ships screenshots - the role play needs to stay in the RP forums.

Misterspork, how\'s it going? If you\'re not finishing tonight, I\'ll move you down one spot and let Dagon land his minimus craft, and then you can try again after his turn. (as stated in the rules) or we can go ahead with your craft unstable and see if anyone else can land something there that IS stable on that slope - could be a fun challenge and funny scrapyard of broken parts after a while!

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Sounds good. I\'ll get you added to the list in a few hours!

This is a just for fun and for cool group-of-ships screenshots - the role play needs to stay in the RP forums.

Misterspork, how\'s it going? If you\'re not finishing tonight, I\'ll move you down one spot and let Dagon land his minimus craft, and then you can try again after his turn. (as stated in the rules) or we can go ahead with your craft unstable and see if anyone else can land something there that IS stable on that slope - could be a fun challenge and funny scrapyard of broken parts after a while!

It\'s dogon by the way. D-o-g-o-n. No a.

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Sorry about that, dOgon11. I blame autocorrect.

Misterspork is being moved down the list one, which means it\'s dogon11\'s turn. Use the persistence file on the original file, and keep in mind that the current mod list is only Carts plus whichever one you choose to add! I know you were planning to use both BACE and novapunch, and we know misterspork is adding Nova, so I\'m willing to be flexible on that rule this once (especially since we\'re really early in the building the list of mods and need to add variety.)

Misterspork, if you want to keep working on it, I can merge the save files later since you\'re landing on a different moon with no base there yet.

luciencd - I need to know which of the bases you want to add to, or if you\'re founding a new Mun or Kerbin base. Keep in mind that until 5 have flown to the Mun base, I didn\'t want to open a new one - so if someone before you on the list gets dropped you might have to change plans if you\'re opening a new one!

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I just realized something, the Silisko Edition Alpha pack, being an alpha release, lacked some key parts (i.e. landing legs, advanced sas) that I grabbed from the main pack. Since this means I technically will be using both, is someone else before me going to be using the main pack? I can\'t really tell...

If not I would appreciate it if I could be exempted on the landing legs as the vanilla aren\'t so great for my lander.

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Sorry about that, dOgon11. I blame autocorrect.

Misterspork is being moved down the list one, which means it\'s dogon11\'s turn. Use the persistence file on the original file, and keep in mind that the current mod list is only Carts plus whichever one you choose to add! I know you were planning to use both BACE and novapunch, and we know misterspork is adding Nova, so I\'m willing to be flexible on that rule this once (especially since we\'re really early in the building the list of mods and need to add variety.)

Misterspork, if you want to keep working on it, I can merge the save files later since you\'re landing on a different moon with no base there yet.

When a new base can be created on the mun. I can create a new one, because I\'m not the best at landing in a designated spot. Also, the (sunbeam) Laser mod would be my new mod.

Does it matter if the solar panels used on the bigger lander come from zoxygene? because im not actually using them, except for show.

luciencd - I need to know which of the bases you want to add to, or if you\'re founding a new Mun or Kerbin base. Keep in mind that until 5 have flown to the Mun base, I didn\'t want to open a new one - so if someone before you on the list gets dropped you might have to change plans if you\'re opening a new one!

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When is my launch date?

Can I create a new persist file to start it?

Zekes, the current available bases are:

[list type=decimal]

[li]The Lake of Broken Landers (Minmus)[/li]

[li]Thrionian Cloria I Base (Mun)[/li]

You need to select one of these and then Khyron42 can add you to the list. You will then wait until your turn comes, which could be around a week from now if you sign up right now. Then you will download the most recent persistence file, land at the base you chose, upload the persistence in a post showcasing your landing, and sit back to enjoy your awesomeness.

I can\'t explain it any better than that, so please PM Khyron42 instead of clogging up the thread if you have any more questions.

To everyone else:

Should we create a signup form for people to fill out, just for the sake of consistency? I think it would feel more official. :)

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1. All flights must be flown with the latest KSP build, Presently KSP 0.15, and all current required mods.

2. All flights must be requested in advance, to be added to the upcoming flight List. You need to specify additional details:

- If you plan to add to a craft one of the existing bases, specify which base your flight is planned for.

- If there is no base yet on your target planet/moon, or if the existing base already has at least 5 craft landed there, you can specify 'new <planet/moon> base.' Land at a location of your choice, and provide the name for the new base when you post your save. Exceptions to the 5 craft rule can be made if a landing site is too hard or too laggy before there 5 craft there.

- Instead of launching a new craft you can plan to move one of your existing ones from one base to another. Specify '<base name> to <base name> transfer' on your flight request.

3. I\'ll send you a PM and post in the thread when it\'s your turn to go. If you see that the person before you in the queue has posted their save file and I haven\'t gotten the notice out to you yet, definitely go ahead and start your mission!

4. At the end of your flight please post your persistent.sfs file as well a picture of the base.

5. Each person can add one mod on their turn, but doesn\'t have to. If you added one, post the name of the mod and a link to the forum thread for it in your after-flight post.

6. If you do not post a file within 48 hours, you get bumped down one spot on the list. If you do this twice, you are removed from the list and must request a new entry.

7. If you screw up, you can try again in the same turn, but cannot get an extension on the 48 hours. If you\'re unable to fly and notify me ahead of the 48 hours it will help keep things moving along for everyone else, but rule 6\'s 'two reschedules deletes you from the list' will still apply.

8. Have Fun!

Already standard procedure, and it wouldn\'t hurt to read the first thread through a couple times ;)

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We made it!


It has a total of five functional fuel tanks, with a sixth that... has a fuel line that accidentally leads to the airlock/hatchway. I am a bit ashamed.

It landed within 100 meters from the big refueling one. It also has enough fuel to return to orbit around Minmus, and possibly Kerbin. I\'d say put it under green.

Mediafire link to new persistance file (for the next guy in line ONLY):http://www./?rxe22sis5dszrkk

Mods added: NovaPunch and BACE 3.1

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Sign me up for the next available spot at the mun base. I can\'t wait to be a part of something! =]

Also, I\'d like to add a new mod to the base, the 'Standard C7 Aerospace Pack v2.15' Click the 'Download' button on this page: Kerbal Space Yard C7

Actually, I\'d prefer if I weren\'t using this mod. I\'d like to take out my request to use the C7 pack.

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I would like to add to the Munar Thrionian Cloria I Base, could I be added to the list?


When a new base can be created on the mun. I can create a new one, because I\'m not the best at landing in a designated spot. Also, the (sunbeam) Laser mod would be my new mod.

Added, but since you\'re insisting on a new base, if there aren\'t enough already landed at the current one due to cancellations, I\'ll move you down the list. Sound good?

If not I would appreciate it if I could be exempted on the landing legs as the vanilla aren\'t so great for my lander.

Thrfoot, because you\'ll need all other previous mods, you\'ll have some additional lander leg options. The ones in NovaPunch and BACE will be available even if no one else adds another mod with legs, so you might take a look at them.

There seems to be some confusion about flight sequence. Here\'s what you\'re expected to do when your turn comes around:

- make sure you have all the previously used mods installed.

- add one mod of your own if needed.

- download the latest persistence file.

- to check the mod are all installed, go to the tracking station. If you get any message about a vessel not being loaded because of missing parts, you\'re missing one of the previously used mods.

- make sure your craft doesn\'t use any parts other than the ones in those mods and the one you\'re adding.

- fly your flight.

- Make a post in this thread with the persistence file as an attachment, a link to the forum thread for the mod you\'ve added, and a screenshot showing all craft that have landed at the current base, not just yours. You\'re encouraged to also upload other photos showing off just your craft or exciting moments in the flight!

I\'ve added that to the original post.

Dogon, congratulations! Since everyone else is over on that side I\'ve moved my original rover over near the base and taken the group photo for you. That was just for the photo, it\'ll still be way off to the side in the persistence file, so in future screenshots it\'ll just be a speck in the distance until I take one of my turns to move it.


Misterspork, it\'s your turn (second try!) If you don\'t manage to relocate the base in the next 48 hours, I\'ll use the original location and everyone can try to land stably on a heavy slope. That would make the Mun the 'hard' landing target for now and Minmus the 'easy' target given the flat lake we\'re on.

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Dogon, congratulations-st for the photo, it\'ll still be way off to the side in the persistence file, so in future screenshots it\'ll just be a speck in the distance until I take one of my turns to move it.



I actually landed on the other side of that ridge there, and had to hover the lander at 1000 meters to get to the actual base.

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