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Ike Return

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Hello guys... I have precisely 885 m/s Delta-V on a vessel that is carrying Valentina, Bob and Bill, as I decided to keep my ace nearby. The lander is landed on Ike, but it doesn't seem like I can do much in the way of returning to Kerbin or even its SoI.

Is this possible? Or do I need to arrange some sort of rescue mission? If yes, what route should I follow? The lander does not have a docking port and I would like to keep my science but if I can't get the lander airborne again, I have enough electric charge to transmit the stuff, ditch the lander and hop in the rescue craft. Let me know.

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Hi. You need around 400 m/s to get into a low Ike orbit again. If you plan a resuce mission you can go into orbit, fly next to your lander with the rescue pod and EVA all your Kerbals over. You can take the science, too. Just go on EVA, click on the pod and select "Take Data". You can do this for all kinds of experiments, too.

But after low Ike Orbit you've got 400 m/s left. This could actually be enough to get on the way to Kerbin. It'll be just a flyby, but you can rescue them, when they are near Kerbin or you can try to push (EVA, RCS on, push! ;))

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