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Name to speciality function


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Has anyone ever worked out the function that ransforms a kerbal's name into their speciality?

I tried save file editing to create A, B and C Kerman but they weren't all different specialities as I was expecting.

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Has anyone ever worked out the function that ransforms a kerbal's name into their speciality?

I tried save file editing to create A, B and C Kerman but they weren't all different specialities as I was expecting.

That's because "Kerman" is part of the determination, too. For instance, if you change Jebediah Kerman to Jebediah Kermanov, he becomes an Engineer.

I don't know what the actual function/formula is, though, I'm afraid.

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I really wish the game would not check for class names (pilot, engineer, scientist) but instead would check whether the Kerbal had a particular skill. That way, you could create your own Kerbal classes that would actually work.

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I was eeally hoping Squad would change things so that the kerbal's specialty class was stored as a setting in the save file, since they did that with the flag that determines the ... of the kerbal. Alas, no.

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I was really hoping Squad would change things so that the kerbal's specialty class was stored as a setting in the save file, since they did that with the flag that determines the ... of the kerbal. Alas, no.

Yeah, what on Kerbin made them do that?

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I assumed that is was going to be something fairly simple like adding the ascii values of every letter and then taking the result mod 3 as the profession, but it seems more complicated than that.

I think it was stated that they wanted Kerbals witht the same name to have the same profession across every save game, which is certainly easier this way.

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I have that mod, it is by DMagic. I'm asking because

A. I'm curious.

B. I want to be able to know what speciality a Kerbal has before I agree to rescue him.

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I have that mod, it is by DMagic. I'm asking because

A. I'm curious.

B. I want to be able to know what speciality a Kerbal has before I agree to rescue him.

That's cold. All of those poor pilots will be floating around with false hope.

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