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Parachute Reset

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A little help here please. Somehow my chutes got activated while in space, and now they are blowing up on reentry. Any way to de-activate them? I can stick them in another stage easily enough, and I tried sending Bill out to repack them, but they aren't actually deployed.

Thanks for the quick response!


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You can right-click the chutes (individually) and set the minimum air pressure to something like ~0.4, that should open them very late ... or if you think you can do it all quick enough, set it to 1 (so they never open on their own) and then re-set to 0 when it's safe to do so (careful don't hit the ground :) )

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Actually, the highest you can set them is 0.75, which converts to some 2km. Note 2km of absolute altitude, so -1km from the top of a 3km mountain.

In the VAB you can set them to 0.75, but in flight, you can only set them to 0.5 (seems to be a bug). If you don't have anything else to slow you down, 0.5 is not enough and you'll blow them.

I even blow them at 0.65 if I don't use drogue.

But it depends on the ship you want to land.

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you might be able to do it in the persistentr.sfs file in your save directory (while the game's not running).

Make a backup first of course.

So does anyone know what I need to change in this? I'm totally not against this type of cheating ;)

name = parachuteRadial
cid = 4291350294
uid = 2222231388
mid = 806696140
launchID = 60
parent = 0
position = -1.06686220533447E-05,0.0872254893183708,-1.00552725791931
rotation = -0.1978051,-2.397643E-08,-2.654518E-11,-0.9802414
mirror = 1,1,1
symMethod = Radial
istg = 0
dstg = 0
sqor = 0
sepI = 0
sidx = 1
attm = 1
sym = 46
sym = 47
sym = 48
srfN = srfAttach, 0
mass = 0.1
temp = 291.716693161513
tempExt = 293.311694287679
expt = 0.5
state = 1
connected = True
attached = True
flag = Squad/Flags/NASA
rTrf = parachuteRadial
modCost = 0
name = ModuleParachute
isEnabled = True
persistentState = ACTIVE
minAirPressureToOpen = 0.04
deployAltitude = 1000
controlEnabled = True
minValue = 0.01
maxValue = 0.75
stepIncrement = 0.01
controlEnabled = True
minValue = 50
maxValue = 5000
stepIncrement = 50
active = False
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Deploy Chute
guiName = Deploy Chute
category = Deploy Chute
guiActiveUnfocused = True
unfocusedRange = 4
externalToEVAOnly = True
active = False
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Cut Parachute
guiName = Cut Parachute
category = Cut Parachute
guiActiveUnfocused = True
unfocusedRange = 4
externalToEVAOnly = True
active = False
guiActive = False
guiIcon = Repack Chute
guiName = Repack Chute
category = Repack Chute
guiActiveUnfocused = True
unfocusedRange = 4
externalToEVAOnly = True
actionGroup = None
actionGroup = None
name = ModuleTestSubject
isEnabled = True
active = False
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Run Test
guiName = Run Test
category = Run Test
guiActiveUnfocused = False
unfocusedRange = 2
externalToEVAOnly = True
name = ModuleDragModifier
isEnabled = True
name = ModuleDragModifier
isEnabled = True

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name = parachuteRadial
cid = [URL="tel:4291350294"]4291350294[/URL]
uid = [URL="tel:2222231388"]2222231388[/URL]
mid = 806696140
launchID = 60
parent = 0
position = -1.06686220533447E-05,0.0872254893183708,-1.00552725791931
rotation = -0.1978051,-2.397643E-08,-2.654518E-11,-0.9802414
mirror = 1,1,1
symMethod = Radial
istg = 0
dstg = 0
sqor = 0
sepI = 0
sidx = 1
attm = 1
sym = 46
sym = 47
sym = 48
srfN = srfAttach, 0
mass = 0.1
temp = 291.716693161513
tempExt = 293.311694287679
expt = 0.5
state = 1
connected = True
attached = True
flag = Squad/Flags/NASA
rTrf = parachuteRadial
modCost = 0
name = ModuleParachute
isEnabled = False
persistentState = ACTIVE
minAirPressureToOpen = 0.04
deployAltitude = 1000
controlEnabled = True
minValue = 0.01
maxValue = 0.75
stepIncrement = 0.01
controlEnabled = True
minValue = 50
maxValue = 5000
stepIncrement = 50
active = False
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Deploy Chute
guiName = Deploy Chute
category = Deploy Chute
guiActiveUnfocused = True
unfocusedRange = 4
externalToEVAOnly = True
active = False
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Cut Parachute
guiName = Cut Parachute
category = Cut Parachute
guiActiveUnfocused = True
unfocusedRange = 4
externalToEVAOnly = True
active = False
guiActive = False
guiIcon = Repack Chute
guiName = Repack Chute
category = Repack Chute
guiActiveUnfocused = True
unfocusedRange = 4
externalToEVAOnly = True
actionGroup = None
actionGroup = None
name = ModuleTestSubject
isEnabled = True
active = False
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Run Test
guiName = Run Test
category = Run Test
guiActiveUnfocused = False
unfocusedRange = 2
externalToEVAOnly = True
name = ModuleDragModifier
isEnabled = True
name = ModuleDragModifier
isEnabled = True

Here you go. Change this for all your chutes.

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Should just need to change this:

persistentState = STOWED (instead of ACTIVE)

And you're done. Now it'll work as if you never staged it. Though you might need to move the icon back up in the staging stack to activate it again later (when you need it).

(Incidentally, for those of you familiar with my stock bug fixes, a reset feature is included in StockPlus. /selfpromotion)



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Goodness this is tough :)

So I did change the persistence flag to STOWED, but as soon as I go to fly, they redeploy. Bummer.

I went ahead and grabbed the Stockplus stuff to get the parachute resetter. Specifically:

ModuleParachuteFix (Plus) Description: Minor fixes for chutes mounted 90 degrees to airflow

  • Fixes log spam and NREs from stock chutes
  • Adds a couple minor visual bug fixes.
  • (Plus) Adds ability to reset chutes that have been activated (staged) but haven't yet deployed. -- Must move the chute icon to a new stage in order to "restage" it, or deploy with right-click (same as repack)
  • (Plus) Adds semi deployment and deployment time tweakable
  • (Plus) Adds a couple visual effects (such as symmetric radial chute spread and asymmetric chute movement)

So I moved the chutes into a new stage, but didn't get a right-click thing. Maybe I need to have an engineer on EVA to do it?

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I went ahead and grabbed the Stockplus stuff to get the parachute resetter. Specifically:

So I moved the chutes into a new stage, but didn't get a right-click thing. Maybe I need to have an engineer on EVA to do it?

Ah, there was a small change the the GUI not long ago (or maybe something I didn't know earlier). Anyway, make sure you also grabbed the StockPlusController.cfg (which sounds like you did).

There is an error in my code that's causing the right-click option to not show up. You can download this update which contains the update for the ModuleParachuteFix. It contains other files to meet with the forum rules, but just replace your ModuleParachuteFix folder with the one in the zip.

The parachute icon should be a light blue color, indicating it's been staged but not semi-deployed. The only thing you need to do is right-click on the chute (no engineer needed) to "Reset" it. After that, you have two choices for deployment (well three): Move the stage icon back up in the stack so you can "stage" it again; Right-click and Deploy, or (if you already had it set up) use Action Groups.

Hopefully that fixes it up for you.



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That certainly did some weird stuff, lol.

I got the reset, but it took the chutes totally out of the staging. I couldn't get them back in. It also blew away the Kerbin texture when I was flying back in, and when I manually deployed the chute at around 500 M/s, it immediately blew up and took the ship with it.

Nasty, nasty thing.

I'll play around with it some more when I get time.



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That's strange, because my mod doesn't do anything to the staging. Perhaps it's having an interaction issue with another mod, or I've poked the wrong variable. Seems to work okay on my side though, so I'd have to see a pic of your ship and maybe a log file from all that.

Also, the current safe speed for parachutes is around 250 m/s, and I think around 300 m/s for drogues. You can right-click on the chute and it will show you when it's safe to deploy.



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Allrighty, I have a couple of videos showing weird stuff:

http://youtu.be/RnblsjgQSn4 - This is a save I found that was pretty much totally stock and just had my little ship floating around with no chutes. The only mod I've ever tried is your Parachute mod. Ever. The chutes were like they weren't even there, but they did have the reset that made them go away completely.

http://youtu.be/HMs9GSmLlq- This one shows the effects I saw in the previous post, although the world is now back. It also has a sneak peak at my modules directory. Now this was after messing around with several things, but still the only mods I've ever installed are the ones recommended in this thread.

I can do another video with the ship floating around and the chutes staged, but I think that's pretty irrelevant.

I think I'm to the point of just building another ship to go up there and grab the kerbalnauts and the science onboard. I think I know where the issue is though, both this ship and another were docked with my Tanker at some point. I think that since the tanker's staging is complete, when you dock with it, anything you haven't staged yet gets popped. That's the only way I can figure all of my chutes on all of my ever-docked ships are popped. Maybe that's something the devs could look into, and provide a fix for, whether it's re-activating the chutes, or not staging them off on docking to being with.



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