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Question about save file modification


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I didn't put this in the mods section because this not really about mods. Save file modification is tacking an existing part and copying the file and pimping out the copied file. (Example: making a faster rover wheel with the same texture just cranking up the values.) do these parts break with updates like mods do?

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That's really more part file modification than save file modification, which generally refers to editing the persistence.sfs or quicksave.sfs files. And typically, modifications to part files do not break with updates, unless the update changes the way the part works, or you've changed the part to implement a feature of a mod that was broken by the update.

The Modulemanager mod is kind of made to allow you to make modifications to parts (and really, anything else that uses a .cfg file, such as agencies, strategies, etc.) without having to edit the original, if you are so inclined.

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If you modify the original part file, it will be overwritten when the game updates. (Unless you're smart and copied your game directory and modified the copy...)

ModuleManager makes it even easier, since it's designed to modify part files easily, and can let multiple mods change part files more easily.

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Simpler yet and needing no additional installs:

Find the part you want to mod, copy the folder for the part and paste it with a new name.

edit the .cfg file, changing the Name= line to be different from the original and modify the values you want.

Start the game and you now have a second (wheel?) in your parts list with the modded values for use whenever/where ever you want and an update to the game does not overwrite your modded folder.

This works great for changing rocket motors to produce only smoke and no thrust. Fun for ground vehicles. :)

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