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Airplane Keys Reversed

Miro Beero

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I have enhanced navball installed so I can move the navball off to the left.

However, I just built a plane and if I push the "W" key, the airplane tries to climb. If I push the "S" key, the airplane dives.

How did this get reversed? W should go dive and S should climb on a plane.

It should be relative to a rocket.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Images here of pushing Up and going Up.

Pushing down and going down.


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Was this craft working before? It looks like your control surfaces are inverted. Is the contact point of your wings in front of the center of mass? If so, that would explain it. You want the control surfaces and the wing contact point in front of the center of mass if you decide to put it there. If a control surface is behind the center of mass, but the contact point of the wing is in front of it, then the control surface will invert and cause bad stuff to happen.

If not, then something weird is going on and I have no idea what it is. Maybe the NaNo virus, but it hardly does things like this.

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Was this craft working before? It looks like your control surfaces are inverted. Is the contact point of your wings in front of the center of mass? If so, that would explain it. You want the control surfaces and the wing contact point in front of the center of mass if you decide to put it there. If a control surface is behind the center of mass, but the contact point of the wing is in front of it, then the control surface will invert and cause bad stuff to happen.

If not, then something weird is going on and I have no idea what it is. Maybe the NaNo virus, but it hardly does things like this.

I built this plane from scratch right now.

I tried a simple model too. I put a cockpit, 1 tanker, an engine, swept wings and a tailfin. Keys are reversed for airplanes for some reason.

I based my swept wing position based on CoM just infront of CoL

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Listen to what Xannari Ferrows says.

It comes down to: If you press "S", the control surfaces behind the COM should move UP.

In front of the COM, those surfaces (rear of them) should move DOWN.

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I think it's related to how KSP determines a control surface's relationship to the CoM. As far as I can tell, it extends the pivot axis of the surface to the centerline and measures from there; for straight wings this works fine but for swept wings it is very much possible for this method to think a surface is ahead of the CoM when it is actually behind it.

A pic of the plane in the SPH viewed from above with the CoM indicator turned on would likely tell the tale.

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I think it's related to how KSP determines a control surface's relationship to the CoM. As far as I can tell, it extends the pivot axis of the surface to the centerline and measures from there; for straight wings this works fine but for swept wings it is very much possible for this method to think a surface is ahead of the CoM when it is actually behind it.

I agree that this is likely what's happening. This happens with rocket engine gimbal as well. If your wing (or decoupler, or whatever) is attached ahead of the COM, and the attached control surface (or engine or whatever) is behind the COM but attached through that wing/decoupler/whatever, the steering will be backward.

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I have confirmed is the swept wings. Another plane with just cheap winglets works fine.

There is a bug in them. The keys get reversed if you build it like I did.

Here is a simple image for you to try for yourself.



Yep, the wings look like they're mounted (at the attachment point) ahead of the COM, but the control surfaces are behind the COM, so it gets reversed. It's one of the goofy side-effects of how KSP determines location of parts. I'll bet it'll do the right thing if you slide the wings back closer to the engine (though of course the center of lift will be way to the rear).

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