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Missing parts from mods?

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Hello... newbie here. I have 1.04 on a Windows 7 system, and have installed MechJeb, Asteroid Day, and ScanSat (in that order).

MechJeb is working fine. But I do not see the parts for either Asteroid Day or ScanSat in the tech tree; do they become available at certain nodes? Or since I began my Science campaign before installing them, does that mean I'd need to restart the campaign with those mods already installed?

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Update: I discovered my problem-- I had unzipped the other mods in GameData, just like I did for MechJeb, but the folder hierarchies in the ZIP files for the other mods were not consistent with MechJeb. Moved the files to the proper folders/levels and they work fine. Noob error. :blush:

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