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    Spacecraft Engineer
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  1. [waves of empathy and sympathy] Good ol' Career Restart Syndrome. Every time I get out to a certain point, I say, "This is it. I am sticking with this one, no matter what comes out." But, inevitably, something gets released that I really want to play with... and then, before you know it, bam! Back to Tech Level Nothing. In two careers, I have made it to landing a probe or rover on Duna; in other careers I have managed Eve and Moho flybys. I have never been to Dres, Eeloo, or the Jool system, and I have never gotten a full Minmus fuel mining operation up and running. Someday... My current 1.8/1.8.1 career is just about to top out the tech tree and I have probes launched to every planet; first one to arrive (today) was Moho. I have to say that I like the designs I've come up with this time around better than just about anything before, and I've actually managed to launch and land a couple of spaceplanes. I'm also being very careful on accumulating space junk... only have 15 derelicts whizzing around out there, and when I can trap them and deorbit or destroy them, too, I will. This time, I vow, I will see Kerbals set foot on Duna. Unless 1.9 comes along with something I decide I can't live without (though it doesn't look like it will, so far). So, I feel your pain. However, the urge for Moar Boosters keeps me coming back...
  2. I'm no programmer, but I have long wished for more functionality in the astronaut office building-- viewing service records, administrative moves or rank/title assignments, maybe designation of primary and backup crews. Retirement and vacation could fit there, too. Mostly role-playing stuff, but it'd be fun.
  3. Truth and truth. Making a decision on whether or not to buy a product that isn't really much more than a fancy trailer and a lot of hearsay isn't sensible. I get from some of the developer statements that they are fully aware that mods are a big part of what drove KSP's success, and that they fully intend to recreate that with KSP2. So, yes, the mods will affect my purchase timing as well... not to mention that, in the industry as a whole, there is a bit of a tendency to rush things to market in a state that once might have been called "beta." Not saying that Star Theory in particular will do this (and their apparent delay perhaps says they won't), but it makes me very leery of buying "1.0" of anything. (I bought KSP when it was 1.04.) Worst case scenario: I keep enjoying KSP.
  4. Piffle. Dollars (or Euros) (or, specifically, missed sales goals) speak more loudly than words do to marketing people. If you don't buy, they will sweeten the offer to try to get you to do so, either by increasing what's offered or decreasing the asking price. It's inevitable. You just have to wait-- if you want it as soon as it comes out, sure, you'll be paying extra for that privilege.
  5. I don't see the point of announcing "I'm not going to pay X for Y." Just don't make the purchase.
  6. >> Whew << Deleting persistent.loadmeta and persistent.sfs and renaming quicksave.loadmeta and quicksave.sfs to "persistent" allowed me to recover my campaign. Weird.
  7. A lot of entries look this: [ERR 16:34:15.026] Input is null for field 'agent' in config node 'CONTRACT_FINISHED' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0 at ConfigNode.AddValue (System.String name, System.String value) [0x00000] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0 at Contracts.Contract.Save (ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0 at Contracts.ContractSystem.OnSave (ConfigNode gameNode) [0x00000] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0 at ScenarioModule.Save (ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0 at ProtoScenarioModule..ctor (ScenarioModule module) [0x00000] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0 at ScenarioRunner.UpdateModules () [0x00000] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0 at ScenarioRunner.GetUpdatedProtoModules () [0x00000] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0 at Game.Updated (GameScenes startSceneOverride) [0x00000] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0 at Game.Updated () [0x00000] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0 at QuickSaveLoad.doSave (System.String filename, System.String screenMsg) [0x00000] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0 at QuickSaveLoad.quickSave (System.Boolean saveAs) [0x00000] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0 at QuickSaveLoad.Update () [0x00000] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0 >:0 <--- very appropriate! Eek.. and after restarting post CTD, it's not recognizing my career game. (!) Hoping to roll back to a previous quicksave.
  8. "ScienceChecklist" appears to be a module or part of "[x] Science". Will try isolating it.
  9. Just got a whitescreen crash... the log is full of entries similar to or identical to this: [EXC 21:26:49.087] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ScienceChecklist.ExperimentFilter.IsAmountLimitedByDMagic (ScienceChecklist.ScienceInstance x, System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[T] DMModuleScienceAnimateGenerics) (at <e37e30492055407cb07984669fc8a878>:0) ScienceChecklist.ExperimentFilter+<>c__DisplayClass42_0.<UpdateFilter>b__4 (ScienceChecklist.ScienceInstance x) (at <e37e30492055407cb07984669fc8a878>:0) System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereEnumerableIterator`1[TSource].ToList () (at <fbb5ed17eb6e46c680000f8910ebb50c>:0) System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) (at <fbb5ed17eb6e46c680000f8910ebb50c>:0) ScienceChecklist.ExperimentFilter.UpdateFilter (System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[T] DMModuleScienceAnimateGenerics) (at <e37e30492055407cb07984669fc8a878>:0) ScienceChecklist.StatusWindow.RefreshFilter (System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) (at <e37e30492055407cb07984669fc8a878>:0) ScienceChecklist.StatusWindow.<.ctor>b__32_2 (System.Object s, System.EventArgs e) (at <e37e30492055407cb07984669fc8a878>:0) ScienceChecklist.xScienceEventHandler.RefreshFilter () (at <e37e30492055407cb07984669fc8a878>:0) ScienceChecklist.xScienceEventHandler.Update () (at <e37e30492055407cb07984669fc8a878>:0) ScienceChecklist.ScienceChecklistAddon.Update () (at <e37e30492055407cb07984669fc8a878>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) Is this being caused by [x] Science, DMagic Orbital Science, Unity, or something else? I'm not expert enough to parse it with confidence. ETA: Another possibility: USI Sounding Rockets
  10. Head's up: on Spacedock, the "SpacetuxSA" update directs to SSR Microsat (as does SSR Microsat, properly). @linuxgurugamer
  11. I'm running GT on 1.8.1, no problems. There does seem to be something up with World Stabilizer, but I'm not programmer enough to say much more than that!
  12. Crossposting one of my posts from another thread: I'm far from an expert in reading logs, but I'm seeing a lot of these in the log when I was looking at said rover: [ERR 17:36:00.062] Module SafeBrakes threw during OnUpdate: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at SafeBrakes.SafeBrakes.OnUpdate () [0x001b4] in <e8f4061f37b542f9b11eea8271dcef40>:0 at Part.ModulesOnUpdate () [0x0004a] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0
  13. I'm not so sure that SafeBrakes was the problem, but I'll keep looking.
  14. I *think* this might help... [LOG 12:27:30.378] [MessageSystem] Save Messages [LOG 12:27:30.433] Game State Saved as persistent [LOG 12:27:33.613] Unpacking Thoth Mockup [LOG 12:27:33.616] WST: onVesselGoOffRails:0: off rails: mk1pod.v2: alt: 69.3725394621724; radar alt: 0.404832810163498; alt: 69.3725394621724 [LOG 12:27:33.616] WST: onVesselGoOffRails:0: mission time: 0 [LOG 12:27:33.616] WST: onVesselGoOffRails:0: checking if we're inside the hangar [LOG 12:27:33.618] WST: getClosestForeignPart:0: closest part for direction (0.0, 1.0, 0.0): , distance: 1000 [LOG 12:27:33.618] WST: getClosestForeignPart:0: closest part for direction (0.0, -1.0, 0.0): , distance: 1000 [LOG 12:27:33.618] WST: getClosestForeignPart:0: closest part for direction (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0): , distance: 1000 [LOG 12:27:33.618] WST: getClosestForeignPart:0: closest part for direction (1.0, 0.0, 0.0): , distance: 1000 [LOG 12:27:33.618] WST: getClosestForeignPart:0: closest part for direction (0.0, 0.0, -1.0): , distance: 1000 [LOG 12:27:33.618] WST: getClosestForeignPart:0: closest part for direction (0.0, 0.0, 1.0): , distance: 1000 [LOG 12:27:33.618] WST: checkIfInsideHangar:0: doesn't look like we're inside the hangar [LOG 12:27:33.622] WST: findBoundPoints:0: vessel = mk1pod.v2; furthest downward part = mk1pod.v2; upward part = mk1pod.v2 [LOG 12:27:33.622] WST: findBoundPoints:0: vessel = mk1pod.v2; bottomLength = 0.4844045; bottomPoint = (-0.1, -0.2, -0.2); topLength = 0.6553763; topPoint = (-0.8, 0.0, 0.7) [LOG 12:27:33.643] WST: stabilize:0: mk1pod.v2: timer = 100 [LOG 12:27:33.643] WST: findAnchoredParts:0: Looking for anchors in mk1pod.v2 [LOG 12:27:33.643] WST: findAnchoredParts:0: Found 0 anchors [LOG 12:27:33.644] WST: restoreInitialAltitude:0: mk1pod.v2: initial alt: 69.3725394621724; current alt = 69.3725394621724; moving up by: 0 [LOG 12:27:33.645] WST: restoreInitialAltitude:0: mk1pod.v2: downward hit: UnityEngine.RaycastHit; collider = Kerbin Zn1232223233 (UnityEngine.MeshCollider) [LOG 12:27:33.645] WST: restoreInitialAltitude:0: mk1pod.v2: no upward hit; moving up by 0.2 m just in case [LOG 12:27:33.646] WST: stabilize:0: Stabilizing; v = mk1pod.v2; radar alt = 0.455048650503159; timer = 100 [LOG 12:27:33.658] WST: stabilize:0: mk1pod.v2: timer = 99 [LOG 12:27:33.658] WST: stabilize:0: mk1pod.v2: timer = 99; moving up [LOG 12:27:33.659] WST: moveUp:0: mk1pod.v2: alt from top - height = 0.1768489; alt from top: (alt = 1.31663; collider = runway_collider); vessel height = 1.139781; minDownMovement = 0.1 [LOG 12:27:33.659] WST: moveUp:0: mk1pod.v2: minumum downmovement reached; alt from bottom: (alt = 1.31663; collider = runway_collider) [LOG 12:27:33.659] WST: moveUp:0: mk1pod.v2; new alt = (alt = 0.1768489; collider = runway_collider); alt from top = (alt = 1.315942; collider = runway_collider) [LOG 12:27:33.666] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI [LOG 12:27:33.671] [BetterBurnTime] Current celestial body set to Kerbin [LOG 12:27:33.671] [BetterBurnTime] Geosync altitude: 2863.334 km [LOG 12:27:33.686] WST: stabilize:0: mk1pod.v2: timer = 98; moving down [LOG 12:27:33.686] WST: moveDown:0: Recalculating bounds for vessel mk1pod.v2; id=74ed0cf2-e160-424a-bb3e-ef293c44503a [LOG 12:27:33.687] WST: findBoundPoints:0: vessel = mk1pod.v2; furthest downward part = mk1pod.v2; upward part = mk1pod.v2 [LOG 12:27:33.687] WST: findBoundPoints:0: vessel = mk1pod.v2; bottomLength = 0.478124; bottomPoint = (-0.2, -0.2, -0.1); topLength = 0.6615918; topPoint = (-1.0, -0.1, 0.8) [LOG 12:27:33.687] WST: moveDown:0: mk1pod.v2: raycast including parts; hit collider: (alt = 0.1763611; collider = runway_collider) [LOG 12:27:33.687] WST: moveDown:0: Moving down: mk1pod.v2 by 0.07636113; alt = 0.1763611; timer = 98; radar alt = 0.654328882694244; alt from top = 1.315454 [LOG 12:27:33.688] WST: stabilize:0: mk1pod.v2: timer = 97; moving down [LOG 12:27:33.688] WST: moveDown:0: Recalculating bounds for vessel mk1pod.v2; id=74ed0cf2-e160-424a-bb3e-ef293c44503a [LOG 12:27:33.688] WST: findBoundPoints:0: vessel = mk1pod.v2; furthest downward part = mk1pod.v2; upward part = mk1pod.v2 [LOG 12:27:33.688] WST: findBoundPoints:0: vessel = mk1pod.v2; bottomLength = 0.4781438; bottomPoint = (-0.2, -0.2, -0.2); topLength = 0.6616023; topPoint = (-1.0, 0.0, 0.7) [LOG 12:27:33.689] WST: moveDown:0: mk1pod.v2: raycast including parts; hit collider: (alt = 0.09931839; collider = runway_collider) [LOG 12:27:33.689] WST: moveDown:0: downmovement for mk1pod.v2 is below threshold (0.09931839<0.1); leaving as is: 0.09931839 [LOG 12:27:33.718] WST: stabilize:0: mk1pod.v2: timer = 96; moving down [LOG 12:27:33.718] WST: moveDown:0: Recalculating bounds for vessel mk1pod.v2; id=74ed0cf2-e160-424a-bb3e-ef293c44503a [LOG 12:27:33.718] WST: findBoundPoints:0: vessel = mk1pod.v2; furthest downward part = mk1pod.v2; upward part = mk1pod.v2 [LOG 12:27:33.718] WST: findBoundPoints:0: vessel = mk1pod.v2; bottomLength = 0.4781439; bottomPoint = (-0.2, -0.2, -0.1); topLength = 0.661643; topPoint = (-0.9, -0.1, 0.8) [LOG 12:27:33.718] WST: moveDown:0: mk1pod.v2: raycast including parts; hit collider: (alt = 0.09834274; collider = runway_collider) [LOG 12:27:33.718] WST: moveDown:0: downmovement for mk1pod.v2 is below threshold (0.09834274<0.1); leaving as is: 0.09834274 [LOG 12:27:33.720] WST: stabilize:0: mk1pod.v2: timer = 95; moving down [LOG 12:27:33.720] WST: moveDown:0: Recalculating bounds for vessel mk1pod.v2; id=74ed0cf2-e160-424a-bb3e-ef293c44503a [LOG 12:27:33.720] WST: findBoundPoints:0: vessel = mk1pod.v2; furthest downward part = mk1pod.v2; upward part = mk1pod.v2 [LOG 12:27:33.720] WST: findBoundPoints:0: vessel = mk1pod.v2; bottomLength = 0.4781438; bottomPoint = (-0.2, -0.2, -0.2); topLength = 0.6616429; topPoint = (-0.9, -0.1, 0.8) [LOG 12:27:33.720] WST: moveDown:0: mk1pod.v2: raycast including parts; hit collider: (alt = 0.09707302; collider = runway_collider) [LOG 12:27:33.720] WST: moveDown:0: downmovement for mk1pod.v2 is below threshold (0.09707302<0.1); leaving as is: 0.09707302 [LOG 12:27:33.882] WST: stabilize:0: Stabilizing; v = mk1pod.v2; radar alt = 0.565278351306915; timer = 90 [LOG 12:27:34.144] WST: stabilize:0: Stabilizing; v = mk1pod.v2; radar alt = 0.529877901077271; timer = 80 [LOG 12:27:34.414] WST: stabilize:0: Stabilizing; v = mk1pod.v2; radar alt = 0.490906864404678; timer = 70 [LOG 12:27:34.682] WST: stabilize:0: Stabilizing; v = mk1pod.v2; radar alt = 0.451844274997711; timer = 60 [LOG 12:27:34.949] WST: stabilize:0: Stabilizing; v = mk1pod.v2; radar alt = 0.412842750549316; timer = 50 [LOG 12:27:35.217] WST: stabilize:0: Stabilizing; v = mk1pod.v2; radar alt = 0.405396401882172; timer = 40 [LOG 12:27:35.485] WST: stabilize:0: Stabilizing; v = mk1pod.v2; radar alt = 0.405426949262619; timer = 30 [LOG 12:27:35.749] WST: stabilize:0: Stabilizing; v = mk1pod.v2; radar alt = 0.405304878950119; timer = 20 [LOG 12:27:36.014] WST: stabilize:0: Stabilizing; v = mk1pod.v2; radar alt = 0.405304878950119; timer = 10 [LOG 12:27:36.226] WST: FixedUpdate:0: Stopping stabilizing mk1pod.v2 [LOG 12:27:41.005] [11/30/2019 12:27:41 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (StatusWindow) - ScienceThisBiome: 0 / 0 [WRN 12:27:42.011] [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id ROCScience [WRN 12:27:42.011] [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id ROCScience [WRN 12:27:42.011] [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id ROCScience [WRN 12:27:42.011] [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id ROCScience [WRN 12:27:42.011] [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id ROCScience [WRN 12:27:42.011] [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id ROCScience [WRN 12:27:42.013] [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id ROCScience [WRN 12:27:42.013] [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id ROCScience [WRN 12:27:42.013] [R&D]: No Experiment definition found with id ROCScience [LOG 12:27:46.337] [11/30/2019 12:27:46 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (StatusWindow) - Finding Module for Science Report: crewReport [LOG 12:27:46.337] [11/30/2019 12:27:46 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (StatusWindow) - Running Experiment crewReport on part mk1pod.v2 [LOG 12:27:46.339] [Experiments]: Setting FX Modules to 1... [LOG 12:27:46.339] [Experiments]: FX Modules set: 1 [LOG 12:28:00.366] [SCANsat] Height Map Of [Minmus] Completed... [LOG 12:28:00.465] [SCANsat] All Height Maps Generated [LOG 12:28:46.960] Launcher here(in write): True [LOG 12:29:23.490] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI [LOG 12:29:23.491] Game Paused! [LOG 12:29:23.492] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI [LOG 12:29:23.492] [FlightGlobals]: Active Vessel is in atmosphere. Cannot save. [LOG 12:29:29.854] 11/30/2019 12:29:29 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,AppLauncher: Destroying Button-Button Count:21 [LOG 12:29:29.855] ScaleModList: listSize 574 maxListSize 383 [LOG 12:29:29.855] ScaleModList: listSize 574 maxListSize 383 [LOG 12:29:29.857] ScaleModList: listSize 574 maxListSize 383 [LOG 12:29:29.858] ScaleModList: listSize 574 maxListSize 383 [LOG 12:29:29.858] ScaleModList: listSize 574 maxListSize 383 [LOG 12:29:29.866] [UIMasterController]: HideUI [LOG 12:29:29.896] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From FLIGHT to SPACECENTER (Async) =====================
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