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I almost got stung by a bee today IRL


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Now only if KSP was multi-threaded, I'd have a swarm of these things collecting "nectar" from local "flowers"

Edited by Xyphos
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Wahaha! KSP animals/insects always make me smile.

Good job!

Did you launch it into space proper or was it an edit?

It looks like it would fly horrendously.

It's only 8.8T so I launched it to suborbit with SRBs then circulized under it's own power.

Surprisingly, it flies fine. The LV-N has enough fuel for 5.3 minutes of burn time according to Kerbal Engineer, and only needs 2 minutes to reach a class A asteroid. There it can harvest 300 units of ore and drunkenly stumble it's way back to an orbital processing plant.

Alternatively, I may stick a radial parachute on it's back and try to recover the ore for funds.

However, looking at the pictures again, I forgot to add the orbital scanner for its mouth / mandibles

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