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Quite possibly the hardest challenge ever.

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I\'m seeing plenty of time trial challenges, but they all have one thing in common... engines!

I\'m here to break that trend. Your challenge is to build the longest lasting, or fastest vehicle you can, without using rockets, jet engines, RCS, or carts.

You can use any mods you like. Just nothing that uses fuels of any kind. It\'s a kind of glitch challenge.

You may be thinking, 'This is impossible', but it\'s not. I achieved 1,452m/s using just fins and landing gear. (I also pulled 72.5G\'s during that flight). You can also use the damned robotics mod to create a vehicle that rolls on itself. (using rotators in place of wheels is cheap. dont do that.)


Video would be great, but not required. Pics of atleast the flight results are required.

Top Speeds

1,452m/s - Maizah

Top Distances

83,793m - Maizah

Most Gee Force (for fun)

72.5G - Maizah

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  comradephil said:


You thought you were tough?

And now with return engine! 405410_10151065998755203_726140202_21864808_1110642550_n.jpg

Unless you\'re very very careful, this design loses its engine on ascent, so tough poopoo. Also, it tends to like to explode if pushed slightly too far

I was competing with him to do this on IRC at the time. The engines are only small ones for initial boost, as we were doing this before landing legs were in the game.

At another point, he also exceeded 3400 m/s by a good margin.

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Question: Is using rockets to get the vehicle to its starting position allowed? For an example, flying a boat into the ocean, then dumping the rockets, coming to a complete stop, and then using the secondary fuelless propulsion system?

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  CleavelandTheCav said:

Lol derp

Is this not the trial version then?

No, it isn\'t.


If you want planes there\'s still C7\'s Aviation pack. Download that, though you won\'t have the runway.

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  maltesh said:

Question: Is using rockets to get the vehicle to its starting position allowed? For an example, flying a boat into the ocean, then dumping the rockets, coming to a complete stop, and then using the secondary fuelless propulsion system?

Well... instead of using rockets, use carts on a decoupler or something similar. Carts are useless on the water, and would provide no propulsion as a result. If it\'s to get to something other than the water such as the Mün... Well, for now, keep it on Kerbin. Otherwise, you should be fine launching from the SPH.

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  hebdomad said:

Oh, I see my breakthroughs in infini-glide technology are having an impact.


I\'ll try make something that can get to escape velocity later....

Meanwhile enjoy this entry.

That\'s not a car, that\'s a headcrab

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