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Unmanned Rover to Eve *Picture heavy*


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i need a rover for the "send science from eve surface" contracts... i've already a small one on eve but i want to go bigger :D

the interplanetary stage (old version). i updated it with 4 small tanks in the heavy tank. got 3000m/s for the transfers... i was at 0m/s... needed everything...


with the decoupler i made the last course correction... with that (decoupling while facing to eve) i got the landing place out of the water to the coast :).

see gilly rise in the background :)


the heatshield and the fairingshield was decoupled together at the time when the drouge chute was safe to open. it was a little bit out of control but it was able to manage that when the normal cutes opened.


with 2.9m/s desending. waiting for touchdown.


"landing confirmed" - i used the engines of the crane to try to decrease the landingspeed... i does nothing (probably 0.1 to 0.2 m/s)...


after doing the science of the "crane" - i needed the antenna of the rover - i powered the engines to full throttle and decoupled. the crane rolled over the front from the rover. lucky the rover took no damage...


doing science... yay!


when the rover needs more power he can extend another solar panel. but he have to be stopped for that. otherwise the panel will break off...

now i will hammer the same rover with the same stage to duna. should be possible. but i have to use the engines of the crane for the descending. i hope they are strong enough.

looking forward to that

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and now also on duna. but i have to drive carfully... i think he can flip... (but shouldn't...)

going to duna (this is the up2date version)


arriving at duna.


deployed chutes after seperating the heatshield and the fairng (heatshield wasn't used...)


descending with 8m/s... thats fast. the rover will bounce off. so timing is all... the breaking engines are to weak... i have to tweak that... they arent able to slow the rover down to 4m/s...


doing science :)


front and back lights :)


the whole craft is up to 200'000 funds... not that much as i think :)

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of course not. i can upload the rover if you want!

take all you want!

i have build this idea also on other ideas (for ideas the "kassandra" of H2O is awesome!)

edit: beside his weight - he is tricky to drive on duna. don't know but i think i can manage to flip if i would like to. but when you drive carefully than it's not a problem... important: toggle torch on the unmanned command pod... otherwise he will flip on kerbin :). all reaction wheels have to be desabled.

also i just activated steering on the frontwheels and motor only on the rear wheels.

the interplanetary rhino has a thrustlimit of 49.5

Edited by KingPhantom
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