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I was clicking, I remember that. I saw the mission. "Go to Eve, do this, return these people, blah blah blah."

It all happened so fast. "I've been to Eve before, I've even returned a Kerbal! It seems like a challenge! I'll do it!"

I hit "accept."

Of course I did not consider that returning four Kerbals from the surface of Eve is exponentially harder than one - and the one I returned was about the hardest thing I've ever done in KSP.

I'll keep you posted. I hope you have a strong stomach. This is not going to be pretty.

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Well, Jotris doesn't seem to actually want to land, just do an atmospheric flight. I'm not familliar with the "atmospheric flight" contracts, but it seems that you could satisfy that during aerocapture. As for the other 3, I think you might save a ton of mass if you put them in external seats. Although I don't know how well that will work with the new aero.

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Getting to EVE is easy, getting back? not so much. I haven't had much success getting 1 kerbal back yet.

here's an idea that I think may help:

put an asteroid and refueling station in Eve's orbit first, so you can refuel your escape vessel.

Eve has an atmosphere, it may not be air, but in theory, attaching wings should give you extra lift - I haven't tested this yet, but an SRB powered plane might give you enough altitude to launch the escape rocket.

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Oh come on. Considering the money involved provide exactly what there is on the list. And if they don't feel satisfied and demand e.g. return to Kerbin, cancel the goddamned contract.

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Oh come on. Considering the money involved provide exactly what there is on the list. And if they don't feel satisfied and demand e.g. return to Kerbin, cancel the goddamned contract.

It says "then return them safely to Kerbin on schedule to collect their fares" so you have to get them back to get the bulk of the money. The deadline is nearly 30 years though so you could send them now and plan to fetch them back when you think they deserve it...

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  • 4 weeks later...
I made an Eve return vehicle that can get 4 Kerbals from almost sea level (~200m) to orbit. Used a tiny probe core with a 2.5m service bay and 4 seats inside.

Won't work with tourists. No EVA.

The best bet is MK2 passenger cabin. 4 seats in 2 tons.

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I noticed that too. Well, you have to be rich to get a trip to Eve. God knows it's cost me a bundle.

- - - Updated - - -

Won't work with tourists. No EVA.

The best bet is MK2 passenger cabin. 4 seats in 2 tons.

It's like you read my mind...

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