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F2 to hide UI doesn't work

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Pretty straightforward: When I press F2, the mod toolbar and any mod windows disappear.



Becomes this:



BD Armory

Burn Together

Camera Tools

Collision FX

Destruction Effects



Stock Clamshell Fairings

Edited by Hobbes Novakoff
Whoops, wrong image!
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You have to hit the fn or function key on a Mac as well as f2 for it to work. Alternatively go to system preferences, keyboard and tick the box saying that function key is required to do things like volume or brightness

EDIT: just saw the pic. It could be burn together or some mod that's not updated to 1.0.4

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Burn Together does nothing to the UI though. Removing all mods, then trying again.

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Works on the same install with GameData scrubbed. Adding back BDA.

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Works with BDA. Adding BurnTogether.

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BurnTogether works.

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CameraTools is innocent.

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CollisionFX and ModuleManager are not guilty.

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It's not Destruction Effects.

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KER, my suspicions were misguided. You're cool.

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LOLWUT? I removed all my mods, added them back one by one, launching the game in between, and now it works fine. Okaaaaaaay... Move along, nothing to see here.

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