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major game breakeng glitch

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I don't know to put this but when I fly a ship when the physics load the well the UI still works but the screen is black there is no revert and when I go back to the KAS kerbin is gone but there is the skybox for space and there is the UI. :confused: The mods I have is here https://sg1b-broadcast.officeapps.live.com/m/Broadcast.aspx?Fi=4a65bf8867433873%5F6de4cf6a%2D2928%2D426a%2D9082%2D904b3c02f0de%2Epptx.

I do not have any graphics mods

Edited by MadMan43
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ummm, I don't know what you really mean, what you describe isn't clear at all. But, ummmmmmm, best you could do is to read this guide and provide the info it requires. Of course knowing what add-ons you use is the very least to figure the issue. And in case you posted here (modded section) by mistake, let us know, and go check about the unmodded installs support guide too.

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Seems the link you added to the first post, which I understand should show what add-ons you have, is not working for me.

I would suggest to show them otherwise. The most effective way, though annoying, still is to make a text list (with version number for each add-on). Some users like to show the subfolders in their KSP GameData thinking that be enough, but many add-ons don't have a dedicated subfolder so they would not be recognized.

As the guide I linked above makes clear, there are a number of instructions to be followed to report an issue. Those instructions allow who works in support to try at reproducing your issue, and get an idea of what the cause could be.

The list of add-ons is one (very important) item, but also the reproduction steps (either from a brand new game, or with a savegame of yours that you must then provide, you make a list of each single action required to arrive at the issue you experience) and the logs (those alone are often enough to get what's happening under the hood). Finally, you should try on your own to find if the issue is reproducible in a clear environment, or with one specific add-on: please note who provides help here has to spend hours of his own (unpayed) time to find what combination of add-ons would reproduce the issue, so would be the minimum if you also did try to find following those instructions.

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