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What does it take to satisfy satellite contracts.

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I have launched no less than three satellites from spaceplane and I have put the first one in orbit of Mun. I have satisfied all the parameters of my contracts save get into orbit within the specified parameters, but my satellite orbit is practically sitting on top of the desired orbit with both the apoapsis and periapsis on the same points and virtually zero angle between the two orbital plane, but the game will still not award me the contract. Its getting to the point where my burns are less than 1 second on minimum thrust. How precise does this game expect me to get these satellites?

Thanks for the help.

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There is a surprisingly large leeway in orbital parameters for the satellite contracts (although it gets smaller as the 'prestige' rating gets higher).

In the situation you describe, the most likely cause is that you're going the wrong way.

Check the ascending and descending nodes displayed on the orbit; if they're close to 0° you're going the right way, if near 180° then that's the wrong way.

You can also see small coloured dots moving around the orbit indicating the correct direction.

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Assuming you ARE in orbit backwards, probably the "cheapest" way to reverse is to raise apoapsis as high as you can, thrust retrograde (to start, but switch that to holding your heading) there to reverse the orbit, then bring the orbit back down.

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You're either backwards, or your satellite needed something equipped that you forgot to add in the VAB. If you really do meet everything then I suggest you time warp and go out very quickly so your satellite with 'stabilize' and after a few seconds the contract for will complete

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it might help to click the in-flight contract button (top right of your screen), requirements for orbit parameters, stabilization, and any other requirements are listed and turn green when met - easy to see what's not working out.

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