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Estimated asset(s) lost: Jacquesmos SPACE&CONSTR. CONG., JSC, 15M~ (estimated) Kerbal-dollars in data and unit, Sigma-Tau station, over 500 personnel.

Casualty(s): 234 ground personnel, 58 full-shift radio-units, 91 scientific workers, ~20 kerbanauts, [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED], Jack Kermann.





Here starts the journey of a young Jack Kermann. These are the crude recreations of actual events, based on real life circumstances.

This documentation was filmed in studio conditions and no Kerbal lives were exhausted in the recreation of these events.

Originally born Fritz von Kermann, he was the second son of a German industrialist in the aluminium refinery business.

His family roots could be traced back to a Baron of Prussia. Jack(then Fritz) was given an old Russian soft-cover called the Exploration of Outer Space by Rockets for his 14th birthday.

He read and fantasized about "dirigibles" that could beam to space in improbable impulsive times with infinite energy where he and his selected friends could live. He imagined of conquering the galaxy and beyond. In his eyes there were no peace or stable current of pacific, they glowed red with the wish of power and chaotic enslavement of the cosmos. He wanted ALL there is and ever was, and he wanted them to be his.

He left home to pursue astronautics in the soon-to-be established Third Reich regime where he rose high command due to his passion and knowledge. Much of his work from the wartime is lost.


He was taken to American land with the integration of Operation Paperclip where he changed his legal name to his now current.

His dreams still were to conquer, but now he had access to western capitalism. He left NACA much earlier than his peers without much government pressure to pursue his own aerospace firm. He created the Jackquesmos Corp. and began to develop his own technologies. His designs were the basis of around 28 American missiles and 6 jet engines in the Cold War era. After many years, he could finally produce the creations of dreams, extreme efficiency engines.

Him and his firm took great part in the early public development stages of Electrostatic thrusters. With the funding and scientific data gained, he started his own private Aerospace testing, design, and launch faculty: the Alpha Omega Corp.

He began with 01-Omega-01 that had the capabilities of suborbital manned flight.


This lil' guy was called OMEGA-01 since it was the first in the series of Alpha to Omega, hence the "01". Jack's eldest son, Jeb was in the command seat of Omega-01, thus the media called it "Jeb 1000".


Total EVA time: Aprox. 6 minutes. World records broken: few. Guesstimations broken: many. Guesstimation records broken: [g1(total guesstimation calculated).G1(total guesstimation records)^2/g1.W1]

Jeb enjoyed his extra-vehicular' when the scientists back at Kerbin grimly guesstimated his departure from this life.



Both him and the MC back at home were happy enough that they thought about bringing the camera crew to orbit. None survived, unfortunately.


And young Jeb made his first landing in the Omega-01 return vehicle. As he got out, he felt somewhat strange, somewhat ecstatic. He foolishly shrugged off and radio-ed in MC.

He cleaned out the ashtray from the capsule and smoked a few cigarettes as the ground units came. (Smoking in airplanes was legal back in the day. Why not Reentry vehicles, amirite?)

He scientists were so content with the launch that, in fact, they wanted to replicate this success in the missions to come. They persuaded Jack Kermann that if he didn't fail any missions, the public opinion and the budgets would be an easy task. One of the scientists was Werhner Von Kerman, whom he previously met a few times because of Operation Paperclip. He was the leading engineer in the Artificial Control and Stability unit. He advised a mechanical mind, a-- what'dya call that--- ermmm--- it's an intelligence that is artificial--- uhhh---- well, nevermind, guess it mustn't been important. So, timmy, what time is it?

After the narrator took his old-age pills the saga continued on.

Von Kerman advised an artificial stability enhancer and control unit, a cutting-edge derivative of ASAS. This led to the creation of Mechanicalitziyone Jebidiahn-1000, which they got the idea from the press name the media gave to the OMEGA-01. They logically shortened it to MechJeb-1000.

Rumors have it that Jeb decided to distance himself from his father because of this. He quit and joined the newly established Universal Kerbal Space Program, or as now it is called: KSP.


I'm- sorry---- default_sandbox_player01---- I'm afraid I cannot allow you- to do that.


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