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SAVE / LOAD Manager Mod


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To be honest, I hate the way KSP save and loads the game. Quicksave and Quickload is ok, but we need a save menu with options to do several saves. They are only accessible in KSC and even those are weak.

I want to know if it is possible to make a mod that handles save games, and also the possibility to load them "on the fly".

Many times, I crashed into the mun just to discover the quicksave or autosave just killed my career game because I lost jeb, bob and bill and they already had good xp and level up.

The mod should allow me to save the game at any moment and do it by order. Instead of one quicksave, make quicksave1, 2,3, etc. date and time would also be great.

With most solo games having a decent way of loading and saving the game, why KSP is to dumb about it?

If I screw up my flight, most of the times, I need to restart my game from scratch due the hard mods I use to give more realism to the game. Sure, save scum may change this, but I have other considerations to take. Using mods like Remotech 2, oks, kas, TAC life support, and many others, the stock hard level is nothing compared the way I play KSP. I do not play sandbox or science, I play full career and sometimes mistakes happen, some I can live with them, but after screwing a mission because of one small mistake, a mission in space for 5 months, gathering science (the way I play science is a bit hard grinding), it just kills my mood of play KSP (who am i kindding? :P ).

Im sure there are many solutions, and I know I can make backups of saves and so on, but thats not the point. I want to have the option to load any save file and save the game in anytime, anywhere while playing, quicksave and quickload just dont cut it.

Thx. :wink:


This also may be an alert to Squad to think about the way the game works in career. This should be stock Squad. 90% of games have a save/load function/menu that is not just quick save or load.

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Sorry for the long delay in checking my thread.

Ok, now I feel kinda noobish lol.

I know F5 and F9 do quick save and quick load, what do they do with ALT pressed? I cannot test it right now.

I know we can save and load any game state by going to the main menu in the KSC. This is not what I want. I want to be able to save/load from a menu, like for example while I have a lander, landed in the mun while im seeing it.

But this seams not be possible, maybe because the way KSP is made. I guess I have to quit to KSC, save or load, then go back to my ship(s) wherever they are and keep doing my missions.

Also, just going a bit away from the topic, why the hell if we deleted save games, or delete a game in the menu, KSP deletes also all the ships built?

Is there a way of saving these (aside of doing a physical copy from the game folder) files or any mod that does a backup on the fly of the ships I built in the VAB or SPH ?

Edited by Kar
Added more heat :P
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Take the ships from /Kerbal Space Program/saves/SAVENAME/ships/ and put them in /Kerbal Space Program/ships/. Note that they'll show up as "stock" craft, and won't be available in Career mode unless you enable that.

Alt+F5 and alt+F9 let you create named quicksaves, and load them from a menu.

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Take the ships from /Kerbal Space Program/saves/SAVENAME/ships/ and put them in /Kerbal Space Program/ships/. Note that they'll show up as "stock" craft, and won't be available in Career mode unless you enable that.

Alt+F5 and alt+F9 let you create named quicksaves, and load them from a menu.


Never thought of that. Actually I have been thinking why the hell the stock ships were always there, but I do play with that option disabled since I do not use stock ships. I guess, now I will :).

Woot! Again lol.

Naming quicksaves its a progress.

Stupid question since it creates different names :P : Does this means also it creates several save games files?

Oh, and can I just delete the stock vessels and put mines in there?

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