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Odin Munar Progam - Odin 20 Part 1


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I decided to start my own munar program. Basically I want to recreate every Apollo Mission with my own equipment that will be heavily influenced by the real apollo equipment. After this is done we will see how far I can go with my apollo hardware. Right now the basic designs for the boosters are done.


Kerbonaut Roster



  • Bill Kerman                     Engineer                 Active                 ODIN 7-15, AG-2, OZTP
  • Bob Kerman                   Scientist                  Retired               ODIN 7-15, AG-2, OZTP
  • Charles M. Kerman, Jr.  Scientist                  Active                 ODIN 16, 18
  • Eugene A. Kerman         Pilot                        Active                 ODIN 17, AG-4
  • Harrison H. Kerman       Scientist                  Active                 ODIN 17, AG-4
  • Jebdiah Kerman             Pilot                        Deceased          ODIN I
  • John W. Kerman            Scientist                  Active                 ODIN 16, AG-3
  • Judith Kerman                Engineer                 Active                AG-3, O18
  • Ronald E. Kerman          Pilot                        Active                 ODIN 17, AG-4, O18
  • Thomas K. Kerman, II    Pilot                        Retired               ODIN 16, AG-3
  • Valentina Kerman           Pilot                        Active                ODIN 7-15, AG-2, OZTP, O19
  • Sally Kerman                  Scientist                  Active                Odin 19
  • Kathryn Kerman             Engineer                 Active                Odin 19










The Sleipnir I comes in two flavors: Sleipnir I and Sleipnir IB, the main difference beeing the uprated second stage.



The Sleipnir V is the main workhorse of the Odin program. It is able to launch the CSM and MEM together and boost them to the mun



The Sleipnir MLV is a hypothetical upgrade to the Sleipnir V that only exists on the drawing board right now



The Munin II is a cheap rocket, built specifically to test the Odin launch escape system.



We have just procured our newest rocket: the Naglfar-Logi

The first stage of this new rocket is a modification of the old Naglfar ICBM. However, this old workhorse will from now on pull the chariot of science! Outfittet with the new Logi Second stage it becomes a top of the line two-and-a-half stages expendable launch system, that can be used to send satellites into orbit or probes to the mun.





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Time for the first mission of the Odin programm: Sleipnir I OS-1

The second stage of the Sleipnir IB has been replaced with a dummy stage, this flight will only test the S-I stage.


The test was a full success - the engines fired for 2 minutes and 32 second and propelled the second stage to a 121.9 km apoapsis.

Apart from a single nosecone the rocket burned up completely during reentry.


The second mission: Sleipnir I OS-2


The second test of the S-IB first stage was another complete success. The rocket flew a more realistic trjactory, putting the apoapsis right above the atmosphere and accelerating the second stage to 1427 m/s. The second stage burned up completely except for a nosecone.

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Transscript of the Mission Planning Committee said:

Gene K.: "What about that Nosecone?"

Bill K.: "We just found it - it's still useable. A few scratches here and there..."

Gene K.: "Well, just mount it ontop of the next rocket"

*Wernher von Kerman enters the room*

Gene K.: "Ah, Wernher - you called for another meeting?"

Wernher von K.: "Yes! Ze rocket needs to be testet anozer time!"

Gene K.: "But we allready tested it two times in the exact same configuration!"

Wernher von K.: "I don't care! Every stage of ze rocket needs to be testet zorroly!"

Gene K.: "How am I supposed to get the money for a third test that will tell us nothing new?"

Wernher von K.: "Zat's you problem! I am in charge of ze rockets!"

Gene K.: *sighs* "Allright, Wernher...."

*Wernher von Kerman leaves the room*

Bill K.: "We could shoot it straight up this time!"

Gene K.: "And what good will that do?"

Bill K.: "We will know how high it can go straight up!"

Gene K.: *sigh* "Whatever...."


This Week: Another important test of the Sleipnir IB rocket! This afternoon the third mission of the Odin Munar Program launched: Sleipnir I OS-3


The new test flight found that, if launched vertically, the S-IB stage can lift the dummy second stage to a hight of 162.65 km. Another step closer to the Mun!

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Gene K.: "Hello? Gene Kerman speaking."

Wernher von K.: "Ah! Gene! I vonted to talk to you!"

Gene K.: *sighs* "Wernher....what is ist?"

Wernher von K.: "Ve need anozer test of ze S-IB stage."

Gene K.: "A fourth test?! With the same configuration?

Wernher von K.: "Why should ve do ze zame zing a fours time? Don't be ridiculous! Ve need to see vot happens if we drop an engine in flight."

Gene K.: "You want us to shutdown an engine in flight?"

Wernher von K.: "Of course not....I von ze rocket to drop ze engine."

Gene K.: *sigh* "And when do you want to....drop the engine?"

Wernher von K.: "I dont know. Mach 1. No! Mach 2."

Gene K.: "Do you think this is a good idea, Wernher?"

Wernher von K.: "Of corse! Ve have allready modified ze booster!"


This morning the fourth mission of the Odin program launched: Sleipnir I OS-4

OS-4 will be the last single stage test of the new Sleipnir Rocket. As the first three missions it will be a suborbital flight.

The major addition to this flight is that, in order to test the rocket's ability to deal with an engine failure during the flight, one of the engines will be dropped once the rocket reaches Mach 2. To the astonishment of the engineers the rocket was able to compensate the lost engine and deliver the second stage to a 91 km apoapsis.


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This week in the Odin Munar Program: Munin II QTV

The Munin II vehicle was built specifically as a cheap way to test the new launch escape system. Todays flight objectives were to prove the Munin II rocket's capability as an Odin CSM test vehicle and to determine maximum speed of the plywood-contraption.





The rocket reached its maximum speed of 439.4 m/s (or Mach 1.48) at an altitude of 11.4 km. It reached an 18.5 km apogee before plumeting back into the ocean. No nosecones where hurt in the process.

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Wernher von K.: "Yes, zis is Wernher von Kerman am Apparat."

Gene K.: "Wernher! The suits! The suits are here!"

Wernher von K.: "I did not order any new suit."

Gene K.: "No, Wernher! The officials! They are here at the cape! They want to see a rocket test!"

Wernher von K.: "So?"

Gene K.: "We have no rockets to test! The OS-5 test is scheduled for next January!"

Wernher von K.: "Calm down, Gene. Just send zem to the pad. Ve vill show zem somezing remarkable"

Gene K.: "Really? Holy cow! Thank your Wernher!"


This morning the Pad Abort Test 1 took place at the Kerbal Space Center. The launch escape system (LES) had to proof that it is capable of pulling the command module away from a possibly exploding rocket while it sat on the pad. The LES then had to gain enough altitude to allow the command module's parachutes to open. Officials that witnessed the Test were highly impressed!





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This morning the fifth test of the Sleipnir I rocket took place at the KSC: Sleipnir I OS-5

For the first time the Sleipnir I would fly two stages, the eight engine S-I first and the six engine S-IV second stage. This is the first orbital mission of the Odiun Munar Program, with the final stage entering a highly elliptical 90.2 km x 8750 km orbit around kerbin, turning the S-IV Stage into the heaviest satellite to ever be accelerated into space.





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Gene K.: "Wernher! The Suits are here again!"

Wernher von K.: "Don't vorry, Gene. Just sent zem to ze pad. I invited zem."

Gene K.: "You invited them? For what?"

Wernher von K.: "Zey liked the LES so much. I vill show it to zem again!"


Today the LES had to proof itself again, in the O-001 Mission!

In it's second test, the LES hat to pull a dummy CM away from a transsonic Munin II rocket. Once again the LES performed it's mission admirably and at Mach 1.2 pulled the CM away from the Munin II rocket and into safety.





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Today the sixth fight of a Sleipnir rocket took place: SO-101

This is the first time the the booster carried a boilerplate CSM into orbit. Stay tuned for more exiting news about the Odin Program, our nations voyage to the Mun!






Gene K.: "Wernher, did you see the test results?"

Wernher von K.: "Of corse - aren't zey amazing?"

Gene K.: "Amazing? Wernher! We had to use the CSM Engine to reach orbit! The Sleipnir I is underpowered!"

Wernher von K.: "Ah, nonsense - it vorks just fine."

Gene K.: "You need to redesign the first stage! We had to take fuel out of it's tanks just get it to lift of the pad!"

Wernher von K.: "Ze first stage? Impossible Gene, we have just testet it zorroly! Maybe ve can do somezing about the second stage."

Gene K.: "You this might help?"

Wernher von K.: "Ve vill give it a try, but ve vill need some time."

Gene K.: *sighs desperately*


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Another test of the by now fully operational Sleipnir I rocket: SO-102

With a new, improved second stage design the rocket is now even more powerfull than before!




In the KSC coffee kitchen said:

Wernher von K.: *sips his coffee* "So? Are you happy now, Gene?"

Gene K.: "It is better, Wernher - but still. The Rocket is underpowered."

Wernher von K.: "Ah, ve vill come up wiz somezing better for ze S-IV stage. But now ve have to consider ze future!"

Gene K.: "Consider the future?"

Wernher von K.: *takes another sip of coffee* "Yes, Gene - ze Sleipnir I is almost a zing of the past by now"

Gene K.: "You mean you don't want to spent anymore time further developing it?"

Wernher von K.: "Yes."

Gene K.: "Because the Sleipnir V is much more exiting..."

Wernher von K.: "Exactly."


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At the KSC coffee kitchen said:

Gene K.: "Ah, Wernher, how are you?"

Wernher von K.: "Satisfactory, Gene. Ze new parts for ze Sleipnir V are delayed."

Gene K.: "I see - so you've got nothing to do?"

Wernher von K.: "No, far from it. I vent to see Guenther on ze pad. We modified ze rocket."

Gene K.:"What rocket?"

Wernher von K.: "Ze Munin II obviously."

Gene K.:"You modified it? Wernher, the suits are here!"

Wernher von K.: "Yes, we made sure they will be zorroly impressed!"


This afternoon the Odin Launch Escape System had to prove itself once again! In the O-002 Mission!

A upgraded Munin II missile accelerated the command module to incredible Mach 2 before the LES fired and pulled the CM away from the rocket to safety.

Once again the test was a complete success!




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The Sleipnir I one stands on its pad, poised to fullfill the SO-103 Mission: to send the Brinsingamen 1 satellite into orbit. The world largest rocket shakes the ground as it as it generates its 1477.68 kilonewtons of thrust. When the satellite is in place it goes into action on its own to thrust out large, winglike panels. These will measure the damage tiny meteorites might cause as they hit a spacecraft with sandblast effect, while they speed through the reaches of outer space!




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In the original mission the satellite was behind a boilerplate command module. As far as I could find out, the satellite was basically stuffed into a service module mock-up.

I made a small mistake in using the LES to seperate the CM and the satellite. Seems like one of the original mission objectives was to test the LES/CM separation in a normal flight, aswell as testing Command Module/Service Module separation. They basically did some equipment testing while deploying the satellite.

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This is the last time the LES has to proof itself in flight: The O-003 Mission!

The rocket started to roll shortly after launch, but continued to accelerate to Mach 1.4. At supersonic speeds, the command module was once again pulled into safety by the LES and shortly after spashed down safely in the KSC bay. Engineers are now convinced that the Kerbonauts can be pulled into safety, should anything go wrong during launch.





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The Sleipnir I launches to put the second Brisingamen satellite into orbit: SO-104

This is the first nighttime launch of the Odin program. Once the countdown reaches zero the mighty rocket lights up the surrounding landscape as it soars into the sky! In orbit the Brisingamen 2 will deploy its wings to further collect informations vital to the survival of comming kerbonauts!





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Gene K.: "Wernher...I've been thinking."

Wernher von K.: "Have you, Gene?"

Gene K.: "How far did the capsule get in the Pad Abort Test?"

Wernher von K.: "About a hundred meters, Gene"

Gene K.: "I see. And how much does the Sleipnir V weigh?"

Wernher von K.: "Ze Sleipnir V? About 350 tons."

Gene K.: "Most of it high explosive?"

Wernher von K.: "Exactly. Oh....I see...."


Today the second Pad Abort Test took place at the launch complex. The improved version of the LES is supposed to put a even bigger distance between the Command Module and the rocket in case of a problem during the launch.





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Today marks the fifth and hopefully last launch of a boilerplate Apollo spacecraft: SO-105

This is also the third and final Brisingamen micrometeroid detection satellite that will be carried into space




I just wanted to mention that I'm somewhat proud of the Brisingamen missions: They look like the real thing ;)


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The first flight of the mighty Sleipnir IB: SO-201

Today the first fully functional Command and Service module was put through its paces together with the improved Sleipnir IB booster. After liftoff the rocket headed down the missile range east-by-south on a high ballistic trajectory. The first stage worked flawlessly, after lifting the rocket to a hight of 22 km the S-IVB took over and boosted the craft to an 183km apoapsis. Once the second stage was spent, the CSM fired its engines twice. This proved that the engine could restart in space, a crucial part of any manned flight to the Mun.

The Capsule reentered the atmosphere shotly thereafter, splashing down in the ocean mere 14 minutes and 43 seconds after liftoff - 600 km away from its launchpad.


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We have just procured our newest rocket: the Naglfar-Logi


The first stage of this new rocket is a modification of the old Naglfar ICBM. However, this old workhorse will from now on pull the chariot of science! Outfittet with the new Logi Second stage it becomes a top of the line two-and-a-half stages expendable launch system, that can be used to send satellites into orbit or probes to the mun.

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In a KSC meeting room said:

Gene K.: "Ah, Wernher - things are getting interesting now, don't they? With the Sleipnir IB and all."

Wernher von K.: "Yes, zey surely have, Gene."

Gene K.: "You seem to be at the KSC all the time these days, Wernher - you should take some time for yourself. You know - a hobby."

Wernher von K.: "A hobby?"

Gene K.: "Yeah - you know, get some quality time. Relax."

Wernher von K.: "Ah, Gene, you are looking after me. But don't vorry, I allready have a hobby."

Gene K.: "You do?"

Wernher von K.: "Yes, I build probes ve can send to ze Mun before ve send any kerbals."

Gene K.: "What?"

Today the first Naglfar-Logi rocket launched from the KSC to bring a unmanned probe to the Mun. The mission proceeded flawlessly, flying to the Mun nonstop, without any parking orbits. The probe showed that a powered, soft landing on the Mun is possible. It will remain on the ground near the edge of the huge Northwest Crater on the Mun. A monument to kerbal ingenuity.


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In Wernhers office said:

Gene K.: "Ah..Wernher....it's seems like there is problem with the CSM"

Wernher von K.: "A problem?"

Gene K.: "Yes....the workers seem to be on a strike.."

Wernher von K.: "A strike? Zis is ze munar program! How can zey strike? Zis is important!"

Gene K.: "They...didn't get any snacks in the last month"

Wernher von K.: "oh....OH.......vell....in zis case. Ve vill postpone ze SO-202 mission. Ze next flight will be ze SO-203 launch."

Gene K.: *sighs and steps over to the window* "Guys! Yes! Pull out the other rocket! Yeah! No! The 203!"

Today the SO-203 mission launched from the KSC. It carried no Odin Command/Service Module spacecraft, as its purpose was to verify the design of the S-IVB rocket stage restart capability that would later be used in the Odin program to boost kerbonauts from Kerbin orbit to a trajectory towards the Mun.

Six minutes and twenty seconds after launch the second stage entered a circular orbit around kerbin, where it performed numerous test and experiments.


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SO-202 - the second unkerballed, suborbital test flight of a fully funtiontional Odin CSM, launched with the Sleipnir IB launch vehicle.

This mission was postponed after some problems at the plant of the Odin CSM manufacturer. But this morning the Sleipnir IB cleared the pad an carried the Odin CSM on a suborbital trajectory into space.

At the 2 minute, 10 second mark the first stage seperated, retro und ullage engines firing. The improved S-IVB stage carried the craft to a 260km apoapsis. All stages of the rocket worked flawlessly.

Once in space, the CSM activated its engine an fired it repeatedly to test the engine and its refire-ability. The RCS was also activated and thoroughly tested. This was the first time the CSM relied on its fuel cells during flight. 17 Minutes, 37 seconds into the flight the spacecraft neared the Kerbin atmosphere again, so the service module is seperated and the reentry procedure started. The capsuled entered at a rather steep angle, testing the heat shield for future high speed reentries from transmunar trajectories.

The parachutes deployed as planned an the capsule splashed down 20 minutes and 48 seconds after launch, south-east of the Ubacia island.





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