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Video Wednesday: Minds Blown


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OK.... now I get to have a say. I nearly missed this video.

The video starts with a damn fine quote from a man I admired very much... John F Ken....errr...Kerman.

So, with the quote.... the music.... from one of my favourite movies of all time. So far... so good... 2/10 ..... so far...

Then the rocket for the stations..... ok.... not bad.... so far... 2.1/10

Then.... it starts.... it went from 2.1 to 10 in a split second... and didn't stop....



You get the picture.... at the end of the movie (and that is what it is....) I scored it 1,793,399 out of 10!

To make matters worse.... I was nearly in tears.... we were with him for the whole journey.... the loneliness ... the fear.... missing his family.... excitement....

Nearly 200 years from start to finish.... this will go down in history as the best ever impossible mission undertaken and accomplished.

Yes, to use the correct quote now...

"We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too."

Well..... a grand tour of the system by a lone Kerbal with nothing more than his jet pack.... it was done NOT because it was easy, but because it was hard....

And for crying out loud.... he did it.... not just there.... but back again as well.

There is nothing more that can be done in KSP... the ultimate has been done. I may as well give up now. :)

I'll keep playing, but at the back of my mind... launching a probe to wherever... will be this thought...

"Its not as good as that damned video.... never will be... but.... I'll do it.... 2nd best is better than not at all"

Anyhow... this was my way of saying "awesome movie.... have some rep, you deserve as much as you can get...."

Spielberg, Peter Jackson and all the others had better move over.... today... a movie maker was born.


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Very nice job! What tool did you use to calculate all of the gravity assists?

Thanks! I didn't use any add-on tools other than PreciseNode. I am going to make a video tutorial in the near-future about how I do this. It's a technique that I learned from our amazing colleague metaphor. It's actually stupidly simple to do but not easy to figure out on your own (at least, not for me).

- - - Updated - - -

So, with the quote.... the music.... from one of my favourite movies of all time.


Wow, such a kind review! Thank you! I'm glad that at least one person recognized the musical reference. :)

Edited by chicknblender
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