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How do I add maneuver nodes to the blue path lines?

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KSP won't let me add Maneuver nodes to the blue path lines. I have a launch to Minmus and when I look at the path from the SC, it shows the path as yellow. When I select it, it is blue with the yellow and purple lines showing when the craft returns to Kerbin, orbits and intersects with the mun in 14d. I need to edit the current path so I enter into the Minmus SOI but it won't allow me to add a node in the blue.

Is this yet another in a long line of annoying bugs or another in a long line of things I am ignorant about?


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Let me guess: You're playing career mode and you've not upgraded any buildings?

Let's not spoil your discoveries. Just spent some funds upgrading your buildings and see what happens. (Right clicking buildings from the space center view allows you to see what you'll get with the upgrade.

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If you are trying to add a maneuver node from the tracking station (Which is what it sounds like) you can't actually do that. What you can do is fly the craft, and then plot your maneuver node, which will then show up in the tracking station.

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Placing maneuver node's can get quite buggy. Usually happens after a while. Especially in the case you've described. Sometimes you can work around it by trying other camera angles, or zooming in or out. Or you might be able to drag the node from the wrong color orbit onto the correct one, using the central circle of maneuver node.

But the only workaround, that works semi-reliably for me is to return to space-center and go back to your ship again. OR restarting the game.

Edited by Val
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The strange part was, I created a MN so that I was not only in the SOI of minmus but was going to pass within 7.5km, I stopped the burn so that I was going to pass within 5km (I am trying to land another portion to a base there), eliminated the MN, increased time (warped) to get close to fine tune final approach and not only did it show me no longer close but also no longer in the SOI on minmus and it is showing me eventually entering into the Mun SOI.

So with a heavy sigh, I stopped warp, and tried to add a MN to allow me to land and this is where I am now - not able to add a MN till I get to the Mun's SOI in 14 days...vs passing just outside Minmus' SOI in a day or so.

- - - Updated - - -

re Val's comment...tried both and still cannot do anything.

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Yeah, they are really strange sometimes. I was making a shot to Jool, and once I got the trajectory into the SOI, it plotted a return tracetory that saw me orbiting almost along the same line. The result was, since my blue (current) and purple (the eventual path) lines were so close, it would only let me put a maneuver node on the purple line, so I could only plan maneuvers years ahead as opposed to in a few days.

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I wonder why this bug wasn't corrected in one the 1.0.x versions, cause its not new. I usually place the node further down and drag it back or use precisenode and copy/paste the time from another node. Can be quite thrilling when it has to be fast and accurate, like multiple ships entering jools soi and need calibration for aerobraking ...


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