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BD Armory (and other mods) craft inspired by the KSP Kollaborative Warfare series

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Been watching The various videos of Kollaborative Warfare Series on Youtube in-between bouts of fighting KSP 1.04 over which mod packages will actually WORK and not crash the game. (GRRR... Why does Astronomers Pack remain so steadfastly BROKEN?!?! Everything ELSE works more or less just fine, but that one STILL crashes my game even when NOTHING ELSE is added! *Sadface* I want 1.04 to be as pretty as .25 was, dangit! )


Right, so Kollaborative Warfare - very entertaining series. Here's a link to a list that's got all of their videos to date.

Some members/nations are very competent (AI Industries) some are hilariously incompetent (Spacegame Junkie) some are hilariously devious and/or agressive in an almost Black Adder fashion (Beardy Penguin and TAPE) and then there's Twitchy... who brings a certain insane style all his own... I mean... LOL and wow...

Overall the series has inspired me to really work on some good designs for true mayhem and destruction!

First - before going any further, I'll list what mods the KW guys are using. These HAVE to be part of the mod files - except astronomers pack - even a couple of the guys in the series are having trouble with that one. Basic EVE works okay though. I'd recommend making AP optional myself.

BD Armoury (The weapons. Obviously it's MUCH harder to have a war without this stuff - though Macey Dean managed with pure stock...)

Vanguard Technologies (Parachutes for the Kerbals - I'd recommend the version with default parachutes. You WILL have to bail from a plane sooner or later... )

Kerbinside (Need this for the various bases around Kerbin)

Texture Replacer

Diverse Kerbal Heads (Texture Replacer and this give your Kerbals individuality)

Tweakscale (REALLY helpful always)

Environmental Visual Enhancements (the basic version works just fine, but... )

Astronomer's Visual Pack (This does NOT for many people, myself included. A real shame, that.)

Burn Together (If you want to fly or drive stuff in formation)

Improved Chase Cam (Really handy to help perspective during maneuvering)

Infernal Robotics (HInges, pistons, all that good stuff)

Kerbal Foundries (Awesome and durable set of wheels and tracks - great for making robust rovers, movable defense turrets and TANKS. Also some hover parts!)

Firespitter (More good stuff - mostly useful for adding helicopter and prop plane tech)

Kerbal Aircraft Expansion (More useful options for planes, jets, props and the like)

I'm using others as well, and if I started a KWar with anyone, I'd argue for those mods to be included as well, as the ones I'm adding are for the most part, stock-a-like. There are some exceptions, but I'll note them. For now, here's the mods you're going to see in this particular post with the first craft:

Adjustable Landing Gear

Mk 2 Essentials

Mk 2 Stock-a-like Expansion

Next - the first entry -

Edited by Logan.Darklighter
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And the first craft is a Long range supersonic bomber. I present to you, the -

B7 Valkyrie


It's a long range supersonic bomber capable of carrying several types of payloads. Inspired by Rune's White Dart space plane, I've included in the download files several different pre-made payload bay options. Some carry ground attack missiles in various configurations. Some carry bombs, and there's even one with air to air missiles (on the assumption you want to try your hand in dark multiplayer or against AI opponents fighting off multiple attacking fighters or supporting one group against the other with missiles fired from the edges of the battle).

With 8 .50 caliber turrets spaced around it, the B7 can defend itself against fighters or even shoot down missiles! It has 8 Countermeasure pods, just to make sure you don't run out at a bad moment.

Why the .50 cal turrets? Well - they sit flush to the frame, unlike the other guns available in BD armory, and I figured that aesthetically they made more sense for a supersonic bomber. On the B7, in their "folded" position, the guns are all pointing to the rear with the back of the turret facing the airstream. But they have full 360 motion. At almost every angle, you'll have at least 4 turrets able to train on a target. And straight forward you can get all 8 on target if you aim right!

In guard mode they are DEADLY accurate versus fighters and can even shoot down incoming missiles. (Don't depend on that, though - use those countermeasure pods!)


They also do fine double-duty as low level strafing guns.


But the B7's main defense is sheer SPEED. The idea is to massively bomb or missile saturate an enemy defensive position and get the HELL out of dodge before taking any damage.

"Though I fly through the Valley of Death, I shall fear no evil. For I am at 80,000 feet and climbing..."

It was based around the frame of my latest spaceplane, the Antares. The Antares uses OPT engines that are - quite frankly - almost ridiculously over-powered. But the basic airframe is more than capable of high speed with just the stock "Whiplash" turbojets.


It's capable of getting from the runway up to 10,000 meters and Mach 2 in about 30-40 seconds. The trick is holding BACK on the throttle at the right time to avoid overheating and exploding engines! I'd consider "safe" cruising speed and altitude to be Mach 2.5 at around 15,000 meters. And the Valkyrie is capable of BRIEF sprints at well over Mach 3 between 16,000 and 20,000 meters. WATCH THOSE TEMPERATURE GAUGES though if you do that! You can push it too far and then you'll REALLY be sorry...


But - if you plan your speed and altitude properly, you can "supercruise" halfway around Kerbin for a strike one way, and at least half of that distance if you plan a full return round trip afterwards.

The main design by default has the action groups set up to cycle through the weapons and drop missiles or bombs individually, but you may wish to change that. It's easy to set up volley fire with the action groups. In fact I recommend it in some cases.

Though not required, I HIGHLY recommend TAC Fuel balancer and set up the fuel tankage feeds back to front to maintain the COG forward of the lift when the fuel gets low.

Payload Options:

The Payload bay is capable of holding the following that I've tested and saved as sub-assemblies included in the package:

- 3 Cruise missiles

- 6 Maverick Missiles

- A mix of 12 Hellfire and 4 Mavericks

- 5 AMRAAM missiles

- 3 Cluster Bombs and 6 Mk 82 Bombs

- 12 Mk 82 Bombs

- 12 Mk 82 Snakeeye Low Altitude Bombs

A note on designing your own payloads:

One of the things that kept destroying my test Valkyries - particularly at high drop speeds over Mach 1 - is the fact that you need to set your drop time on the missiles to MAXIMUM and your Ejection speed on the launch rails high. You basically need to KICK those missiles down and away from the payload bay and clear of the aircraft so they have enough clearance before they ignite their rocket engines!

Also - try to give the missiles clearance space from the back of the bay. As well as clear drop angles that don't get entangled with other missiles/bombs!

I can't tell you how many times I've watched a missile pin itself against the forward wall of the bay before exploding and shredding the plane... oy... :0.0:

A very full bomb bay -





A word on naming and history:

Though the B7 Valkyrie resembles an SR 71 Blackbird, I decided for several reasons to name it as an homage to a fantastic piece of Aviation history and technological know-how - that unfortunately wound up obsolete in terms of mission profile before it ever had a chance to see production. That plane was the XB-70 Valkyrie and it was a transonic bomber with speed rivalling that of the Blackbird but capable of delivering several nuclear bombs! It was an amazing plane, but ICBMs and stealth technology basically ensured it would never enter production. That and an unfortunate crash of one of the prototypes caused by an F-104 getting too close in formation and colliding with and shearing off the vertical stabilizers ensured the end of the program.


As for my particular choice - well - that row of 6 engines, it's Mach 3.3 top speed and capability as a bomber pretty much were reason enough, I'd say. :)

Well - here's the bomber for you to test. There are two SPH craft files - one is the regular Valkyrie, the other is an unarmed version in case you want to come up with a completely different weapons config from the ground up.

B7 Valkyrie Craft files

Also in Sub-Assemblies are several Payloads ready to slot in. They've all been tested to make sure they can all fire or drop all their payloads without destroying the plane. Still - occasionally weirdness happens. I make no absolute guarantees. :P

The Payloads are:

Air to Air payload: 5 AMRAAM Missiles.

Air to Ground Payload: 12 Hellfire and 4 Maverick Missiles (seen in the screenshots above)

Cruise Missile Payload: 3 Cruise missiles

Maverick Payload: 6 Maverick Ground Attack Missiles

Mixed Munitions Payload: 3 Cluster Bombs and 6 Mk 82 Bombs

Mk 82 Bomb Payload: 12 Mk 82 Bombs

Snakeeye Bomb Payload: 12 Mk 82 Snakeeye Low Altitude Bombs

So - take her for a spin and let me know what you think!

- - - Updated - - -

  Azimech said:
I'd like to check it out but the youtube link is unclickable.

Link is fixed!

- - - Updated - - -

Oh - one other image for anyone wanting to see some Kerbal Engineer stats.


Edited by Logan.Darklighter
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