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Struggling to export model correctly

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I have an obj/mat I exported from blender and loaded into unity, then set up parttools 0.23 to work with it. However, when I write it, it comes out as a 160 byte file and KSP says it can't find the model (no error reading the model, checked in output_log.txt for it, just says it's missing).

Model/texture zip: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13281778/blank%20plate%20part.zip

I followed the stickied tutorial as closely as I could, bearing in mind the link to parttools on it is incorrect and is parttools 0.18 not 0.23. I'm using unity 5 on windows 64 to build the model, but I doubt that makes much difference since the resultant file shouldn't be version specific.

- - - Updated - - -

For others who end up having this issue, when adding the mesh collider remember to pick what kind of mesh collision you want. It's showed in the image, but isn't directly told to you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Using Unity 5 only matters if you intend to animate things, and there is a workaround for that out there somewhere.

Since the .mu file is so small, unity is having a problem somewhere, as you've figured. Check your console tab (at the bottom, next to "project") and see what errors it throws when you're trying to export. It threw these for me as soon as I loaded the .obj file:

ImportFBX Warnings:
Can't import normals, because mesh 'default' doesn't have it.

Mesh 'default' has no normals. Recalculating normals.

If it's not calculating the normals for you automatically, go back to the project tab and click on plateblank.obj in the assets window. This should bring up some options in the inspector window (right hand side). Click on Models, and set the normals to "calculate", then apply. You may need to recreate your scene afterwards.

If that doesn't work, please take a screenshot of your Unity hierarchy with "default" selected and the inspector window visible.

I was able to export it alright, so at least the model is not inherently broken.


Edited by Randazzo
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