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Expanding vs. Quality control

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first of all I'd like to congratulate Hobbes Novakoff on his 420th post at the time of me viewing this page :wink: and thank steve for your insightful response

Maybe Unity 5 will be a silver bullet, but I have my doubts - just look at the appalling mess the 1.0 release was.

If it were only the new bugs that were unfixed, again, all good. But it's not. The claw bugs are old bugs, bugs that should have been sorted long before 1.0. Instead we get more save-breaking "features", even more bugs and some vague promises of undisclosed improvements with Unity 5.

Want to bet that will come with more bugs too?

I've been being patient regarding this particular issue since 0.25. My patience is finite.

So, when can we expect some fixes for the well recognised bugs?

I hope they will be sorted out with the Unity upgrade... but I doubt they will be, because history does repeat.

rkman, you are quite correct and thank you for your thoughts :)

That being said, and not that developers should cater to EVERY whim of their players (and as steve_v said well) when well recognized bugs are left unchecked and more additions are made, i think it is justifiable to keep us in the loop quite often in regards to bugs, and I would like to see more updates from them include information on the progress of well known/known bugs in the game (like the ******* glue kraken)

Yes that last part is small amount of venting on my part. But in all seriousness, more updates and stuff about bugs in my KSP news feed on steam would be nicer then seeing new features added.

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Yes! Squad needs to fix all the bugs now!

They need to spend all their time just fixing bugs and making every single bit of the program work correctly. After they finish that, they can move on to ripping out a large part of the program and replacing it with a completely new version. Then everything will work perfectly, and no one will ever complain again because everything will be all happy shiny rainbows of exquisite excellence.

No. Fixing everything before would be an enormous stupidity. By inserting the new game engine, many of the bugs will be fixed, but we'll get another ones too. So fixing everithyng is bad, because after you fixed everithyng, you will have to do that AGAIN, due to the new version. Also, if you don't fix the current version, you immediatley insert the new engine, and than fix all of its bugs, new bugs may appear after another radical change is implemented, such as a better part loading, totally remade terrain, dynamic environment, ect. So for example, fixing all of the part-bugs is not so efficient, as those bugs will be replaced with new ones, after we have a new part loading. In my opinion, only those bugs should be fixed, wich make playing impossible. (such as glue kraken, if we'll have it after unity5)

But hey, there's an excellent idea in your comment: rainbows!!! After we have weather, WE MUST HAVE RAINBOWS in KSP!!

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I've known about this thread for a hot min and it appears Claw is making great progress with the Glue Kraken.

He is a gentlemen and a scholar, probably has many leather-bound books, and his house likely smells of rich mahogany.

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Thank you, sal. It is really good to hear from a Squad team member. I wasn't that a switch to Unity 5 was in the works; that explains the lack of bugfixes.

Sal_vager isn't a SQUAD team member, he's a moderator on the forum here.

I too would like them to fix the bugs, especially the memory leaks[/]. However, as shown from that PhysX (or something) memory leak which we thought was the temp gauge for a while, some of the bugs come from Unity itself, which means that if there's no Unity patch for it, they can't do much about it.

That said, I hope they do a major cycle after 1.1 that is ONLY bugfixes and various improvements because some bugs will be fixed with Unity 5.(whatever version number they're using) and new bugs will appear.

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No. Fixing everything before would be an enormous stupidity.

Gosh, you really think so? I never even thought about beginning to consider that.

I figured that they would just fix the bugs they have now, and everything would be great. It never occurred to me that "ripping out a large part of the program and replacing it with a completely new version" could possibly have any major effect on the game.

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