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Kerbal Level Up Beyond Level 5 Choose Another Trait

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For example when your scientists becomes level 5, you can chose pilot or engineer trait, and level him 5 times again and chose the final one he is missing. You will eventually have a sort of kerbal of kerbals who have all 3 perks and is at max level. What do you guys think?

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A maxed out Kerbal in all classes sounds a bit too much, but it might be nice to have a maxed-out Pilot/Scientist/Engineer be able to upgrade to get a second class, and let the maxed-out level of the secondary class be level 2/3 or something.

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I do not suppport this. Leveling up is easy, you just have to perform some manouvers. If that would be implemented, we wouldn't need 3 crew capsules, as we could fully level up just one kerbal (jeb) and he could do all the work, and we would only need the small capsule, wich has 1/4 the mass of the big one, meaning that you would need the quarter of normal rescoures career mode would have to be re-alanced, ONCE AGAIN. Also, you could mass level out kerbals with simply one mission in later game. This current level system is bad. But with a different leveling-up system, this could work.

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