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WW2 BAD-T - World War 2 BDArmory AI Dogfight Tournament [FINISHED]

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Yop !

I made this for now , make some flight with the current rules with good feeling .If you want to test against my crafts . Both VG-33 , i still work on VG 21 .

The mauser seems fair right now , other PPL feedback ?

A quick view :


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For my 20mm i looked up the RPM, Muzzle velocity and round weight to give some starting stats, then i think i made it heavier so it did a little bit more damage. Same process for the .303, then i made the round lighter. My guns also have reduced accuracy and quick overheats because the AI will spray and pray from 5km away.

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I think 40 for the biplanes is too little engine power. I think 50.5 is about the minimum you can get away with and still have an exciting battle. I tried 40 but even with the min altitude set to 150 the battles the were taking forever. Any thoughts?

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I think 40 for the biplanes is too little engine power. I think 50.5 is about the minimum you can get away with and still have an exciting battle. I tried 40 but even with the min altitude set to 150 the battles the were taking forever. Any thoughts?

My Biplanes never left the ground.

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Ok throwing my hat into the ring.

Here is my submission the Sanka 1 http://kerbalx.com/Kunighit/Sanka-1]

I assume the 20mm will end up being the primary weapon for the prop fighters. Since the 50cal isn't fixed.

Also I believe that a minimum flight time for a plane should be considered. I fighter isn't any good if it can't get to the fight.


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@erasmusguy: yes I agree.

Biplane engines are being buffed to 50.5% Max Thrust.

About flight time, propellers use very little fuel, if you want to save weight and are sure you can kill everybody faster than your fuel runs out it's up to you.

Edit: the rules are restrictive, but it's meant to be fun, I will change anything that is really needed in favor of gameplay.

It's important that you guys continue making airplanes so that you can give me feedback about that, thanks.

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I just noticed the 2x Aerosport Engines is the far superior configuration for the mono wing prop planes than the 1x Radial @50.5% power. Thrust is almost doubled, weight is cut in half and flight time is nearly tripled in favor of the former to the latter.

Used the same plane design for testing.

Got 33 kNt of thrust at 300m with the 2x Aerosports right after take off.

While with the 1x Radial at 50.5% I got 26 kNt of thrust at 300m after take off.

Both planes capped out at a flat speed of Mach ~.58. The 2x Aeroports got to max speed faster than the 1x Radial at 50.5%.

Edited by Kunighit
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@Kunighit: if you consider that with one radial you can make the airplane lighter and smaller that sounds more like a design choice than a drawback, which is exactly what I want to achieve.

With one radial you can build a smaller plane, with smaller drag area and lose weight from the structural parts that support the two engines.

It's okay if the radial needs a buff, but then if it does it's minor.

An 1x engine design modified to use two engines would be a good way to verify if they are balanced.

Thanks for the feedback :D

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@Kunighit: if you consider that with one radial you can make the airplane lighter and smaller that sounds more like a design choice than a drawback, which is exactly what I want to achieve.

With one radial you can build a smaller plane, with smaller drag area and lose weight from the structural parts that support the two engines.

It's okay if the radial needs a buff, but then if it does it's minor.

An 1x engine design modified to use two engines would be a good way to verify if they are balanced.

Thanks for the feedback :D

Ok I was kinda cheating when I tested them an had them clipped inside each other to made it look like 1 engine.

So I suppose it's fine if the 2x engine groups are made to have clearly defined rules on their placing. (IE no rotors clipping into other rotors)

But still, even with the extra weight of structure the 2x Aerosports have a very BIG energy advantage. They max out their thrust (which is ~40 kNt btw) at mach .1. This is the speed where the turning, banking dog fights happen.

O my cheaty set up I was able to pull 5G sustained turns (no loss in airspeed, no loss is altitude) with the 2x aerosports. While when I use a single radial on the same design I'm only able to pull 3G sustained turns at the same altitude.

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@Kunighit: well, then that is simply a design choice, afaik the radials top their thrust at much higher speeds, so as long as you tweak your AI to spare energy it's going to be a better choice.

The engines have their differences, as long as there is no "best of all", that's great.

Also, yeah no clipping engines, technically it should be covered under the no clipping resources rule, both because it generates thrust and has intake air, hehe.

@Azimech: yes, the new FAR version is meant to help a lot with the small parts overheating issue.

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Is meant ... the opposite is true. A plane that worked fine now immediately explodes on the tarmac. Bummer.

Well, then you should report that to ferram4, just make sure you installed it manually and not via ckan before reporting.

And installing deadly reentry seems to fix the issue.

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Thanks Azimech, I will check it out.

Do you have a list of all weapons included and their specs?

That makes it easier to check which weapons are still missing.

Today I will see if it's possible to have a gunman using two weapon managers.

I also want to experiment with rocket launchers for jets :D

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I don't have a list, it's all a matter of searching the wiki's.

Weapons I'd like to add would be


* Berezin UB 12.7mm, famous for it's fire rate and mounted in numerous soviet airplanes, both as wing mounted gun and bomber turret.

* ShVAK 20mm cannon, famous in the LA-5 and LA-7 fighters.

* ShKAS 7.62mm machine gun, for turret positions in bombers


* Rheinmetall MG 15 7.92mm machine gun, for turret positions in bombers

* Rheinmetall MG 131 13mm machine gun, for wing mountings or bomber turrets.

TUKE has already made versions of the Hispano Suiza 20mm and the Browning .303, when we're finished, we could consider joining them into a single mod.

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@Kunighit: Looking good!

Ok, engines added.

Now it's up to you to figure out which engine you should go for.

And remember that if for some reason you would want to nerf the engines, that is allowed (why would you do that? eh.)


@Azimech: and oh, you forgot to add the muzzle texture to your configs :P

Edit2: Gunman works!

It's just not that easy to set up but I will post a guide on how to make that easy with action groups after I figure it out, won't take long.

The good thing is that it really works like a gunman, the other weapons manager is the one which takes control of the plane and the second one just cares about the turret :D

But I tested it with the vulcan and it was insanely OP, we need a balanced one.

I also tweaked Azimech's pack, now the guns overheat better, no longer have ammo on them and the muzzle flash is not as shinny.

Oh, I painted them grey too, it looks better :)

Will nerf the M230 to turn it into a gunner weapon.

I am still thinking about how to handle weapon setup, I guess I will just go for a points system.

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