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WW2 BAD-T - World War 2 BDArmory AI Dogfight Tournament [FINISHED]

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Ah, ok. Also i only posted them on curse because where i was (School) had a proxy network, and curse was the only one that worked. Also i have been meaning to actually release some stuff instead of sneaking them in with my plane pack.

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  QuesoExplosivo said:
I need some advice on getting the BDArmory AI Pilot working with FAR. It keeps putting my planes into stalls, which usually lead to crashes.

As far as i know there isn't much that can be done, as the AI was meant for high performance jets. Our old piston planes don't have enough power to make the AI happy.

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Ok, giving the weapons a try right now!

Edit: omg there are so many I am kind of lost.

First I will make a catalog of what we need and post it here.

Then, I will check which guns fit each item on the catalog and make sure we have only one of each type, max two.

After that, I will rename them so their name begin with WW2, making them easier to find on the editor.

When I am done with that, I will balance the weapons for gameplay purposes, I will only mess with a few things.

And finally, give some of them a new paintjob :)

Then I will only have to add the rocket pods, as I saw that there are two turrets already, but that is for later.

The weapons pack will be distributed as a cooperation between 77industries, TUKE Attack Systems and tetryds' Hangar, if you don't mind.


Weapons list (H =Howitzer/ V = Hidden Vulcan):


1x 7.62mm Machine gun (H)

1x 7.62mm Machine gun (V)

Piston Monoplanes (all above inc.):

2x 20mm Cannon (H)

1x .50 cal Machine gun (H)

1x .50 cal Machine gun (V)

1x 7.62m Gunnman MG (M230)

Jets (all above inc.):

1x .50 M3 Machine gun (V)

1x Rocket pods (S-8 KOM)

...now let's seew what we've got here.

Edit2 the weapons that stay are:


Mauser MG 151/20

HS .404



Browning M2




ShKAS Defence Gun

Guys, these packs are set up completely differently from each other, I will reorganize everything and add the missing .50 M3.

I also had a hard time finding the calibers of the guns, I will add that to their names.

Edited by tetryds
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  QuesoExplosivo said:
I need some advice on getting the BDArmory AI Pilot working with FAR. It keeps putting my planes into stalls, which usually lead to crashes.

You are running into the same problem real aircraft designers ran into in the 1930s and 40s. You need to make your aircraft lighter without sacrificing durability. A while back I was trying to build a cesna and couldnt get it to work anywhere near right, until I looked at the mass of the craft I had designed and the mass of the real plane.

Lets look at one of the most popular fighters of WWII, the P-51D Mustang. In real life that thing weighs just over 4 tons. And it had a sustained climb rate of 16.3m a second which is pretty low compared to most of the craft you can design in KSP.

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The guns will be hard to balance but I will be done tomorrow.

Does anyone have a full stock plane for me to test?

Procedural parts seem to behave a bit differently.

Oh, and we got a nice new badge!


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  tetryds said:
Ok, giving the weapons a try right now!

Edit: omg there are so many I am kind of lost.

First I will make a catalog of what we need and post it here.

Then, I will check which guns fit each item on the catalog and make sure we have only one of each type, max two.

After that, I will rename them so their name begin with WW2, making them easier to find on the editor.

When I am done with that, I will balance the weapons for gameplay purposes, I will only mess with a few things.

And finally, give some of them a new paintjob :)

Then I will only have to add the rocket pods, as I saw that there are two turrets already, but that is for later.

The weapons pack will be distributed as a cooperation between 77industries, TUKE Attack Systems and tetryds' Hangar, if you don't mind.


Weapons list (H =Howitzer/ V = Hidden Vulcan):


1x 7.62mm Machine gun (H)

1x 7.62mm Machine gun (V)

Piston Monoplanes (all above inc.):

2x 20mm Cannon (H)

1x .50 cal Machine gun (H)

1x .50 cal Machine gun (V)

1x 7.62m Gunnman MG (M230)

Jets (all above inc.):

1x .50 M3 Machine gun (V)

1x Rocket pods (S-8 KOM)

...now let's seew what we've got here.

Edit2 the weapons that stay are:


Mauser MG 151/20

HS .404



Browning M2




ShKAS Defence Gun

Guys, these packs are set up completely differently from each other, I will reorganize everything and add the missing .50 M3.

I also had a hard time finding the calibers of the guns, I will add that to their names.

Aw, my weapon combos didn't make it ;.;:wink:

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  TUKE said:
Aw, my weapon combos didn't make it ;.;:wink:

Not all weapons on this list will be on the final pack, I had to change some.

Because I am not keeping one extra ammo type just for a single .303 gun :P

I also renamed everything, etc, etc.

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  Kunighit said:
Can't wait for the weapons pack to come out. Looking forward to doing more bore-sighting and live fire testing.

I will post a WIP version in a few minutes

But bear in mind that it's only for the models, the guns are completely unbalanced and can be missing sounds or stuff like that.

But once you use this gun you will only have to update the modpack, the guns will not change (if anything, some will be added).

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Here is the weapons pack!


License: CC-BY-SA

Remember that this pack is a WIP and may have bugs.

Also that the weapons status are not balanced at all, use this pack only to stick guns to your plane and tweak it :)

*The weight of some weapons may also change slightly.

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tetryds the weapon that you have named the Breda SAFAT is actually the M1919, i hadn't gotten around to the Breda yet because i couldn't find a good fire sound for it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M1919_Browning_machine_gun

Also the stats for that gun (M1919) are from the wiki site, and as such won't match with the Breda.

- - - Updated - - -

Are you also aware that you have the Hispanio fire sound in the 7mm/sounds folder when the gun in that folder uses the M230 sound?

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Nice the battles are much more draw out now with these older weapons. The winner of the merge doesn't decided the winner of the battle. With the 20mm Vulcan all it takes is just a quick burst to kill a target. Now with these 50cals it almost take the whole 9 yards.

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Wow a lot has happened.

Balancing guns ... I'm not sure it's a priority. Somehow measuring the damage per second and calculating the points system might be more interesting. The strange thing I encountered: AI uses cannons for long range and machine guns for short. It should be the other way around: with the lower fire rate and higher drop-off it's more difficult to hit at larger distances.

And I can't get the AI to fire only when the guns are in range (less than 700m).

I'd like to see Bahamuto's AI road map. At this moment in time they're great snipers but completely suck at ACM.

I can't check the new setup now, will do so on Monday.

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With my MG 131 and MK 108 combo i noticed it will decide to fire the MG 131's first, but that could have something to do with the fact that it might be a little confused, or that the MK 108 has a lower muzzle velocity.

- - - Updated - - -

Also i noticed a lot of the weapons in the challenge pack are yours.

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Since the allowed mods list includes AJE, could TweakScale also be made available? It's useful for keeping the intakes only as big as necessary, which is kinda useful on high-performance jet aircraft.

If TweakScale is allowed, I'll definitely join. If not, I'll see what I can do without it.

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  TUKE said:
Unfortunately i may not end up entering, as i cannot get anything to fly with FAR and KAX. Doesn't help that i only get 1-2 tries before my game crashes.

What is the problems you are having with KAX and FAR? Is there something I or others could help you with?

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  Hodo said:
What is the problems you are having with KAX and FAR? Is there something I or others could help you with?

Things like the Whirlwind going down the runway at 100+ms and not even lifting the tail, even with the mass of the parts reduced and about 5 minutes max fuel. Or my La-7 being able to fly, but somehow only after doing a death cartwheel and losing half of one wing and 80% of the other plus the engine, again doing at least 80+ ground speed.

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  TUKE said:
Things like the Whirlwind going down the runway at 100+ms and not even lifting the tail, even with the mass of the parts reduced and about 5 minutes max fuel. Or my La-7 being able to fly, but somehow only after doing a death cartwheel and losing half of one wing and 80% of the other plus the engine, again doing at least 80+ ground speed.

Do you have pictures of the craft in the SPH with the FAR information screens open and pictures of the craft on the runway at take off from the side. I think you may have a problem where FAR isn't registering some parts and thus not creating lift. I have seen this before with some installs if it isnt installed correctly or there was an error in the install.

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@TUKE: Yes, that is exactly why I said they are the models only, I had to change the M1919 but I did not change the stats yet.

Same for the sounds and all of the other stuff, don't worry about it.

All I have right now are the guns that will be in the challenge, visual modifications and changed them to use more standardized ammo.

But they won't be able to continue having the same specs as real life, because they are too weak right now.

The 50cal M3 is still missing, as well as the rocket pod, but since no one is applying for jets yet, that can wait.

@Azimech: I suggested that Bahamuto made some energy setting, to prevent the airplanes from stalling and kind of force them to zoom and boom, it's on the to-do list :)

I can fix the weapons firing from weird ranges, there is a setting on them that allows this, so I will do that.

@xrayfishx: AJE is only used for jets, but procedural parts is on the modpack, thus tweakscale is unneeded.

It's very important to use procedural parts, otherwise your airplanes will tend to be superheavy.

@TUKE (again): FAR is not as complicated as it seems, but the main problem everybody faces is weight.

I heavily recommend building your airplane without any fuel tanks at all, andonly fuselage, empty fuel tanks are also heavier.

Then you make use of the made-for-this clipping rule and add fuel tanks inside of the fuselage as you need.

With the fuselage done, add your main wings right on the center of mass, so that their lift counters the weight of the craft, or slightly forward of it.

Then you add the tailplane, that will "enforce" stability.

Make sure to set all of your wing strength to mass ratios to less than 0.4, I would start by 0.3, remembering that control surfaces also have them.

These planes need to be pointing up to take off, so an inverted tricycle design is often what you go for.

And make sure to read at least the first guide on my signature so that you can balance your elevators properly.


Does anybody have a "flying" biplane? I need to test their weapons.

I am thinking about buffing their engines even further, but I need to make some tests with the AI first.

It does not matter much that they would be able to reach insane speeds of 500km/h because they would keep turning and wouldn't get so fast anyway :P

But first I need another biplane to compare and try out.

Here is mine:


Edited by tetryds
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