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General KSP Modder's Meeting

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First and foremost, I am not a modder. I do not know the complexities involved in modding and mod compatibility. What I do know is that modders are a passionate people. I have played with many KSP mods, and each adds a uniqueness to the game, but with each new mod comes the potential to bring compatibility issues.

Here is my suggestion. How about having a modders meeting virtually! Modders can come together and discuss common resources, problems (eg: aerodynamics), and find solutions to things. There can be a Short Summary of the meeting topics afterwards or something.:D

So what does the KSP Community think? Would it be worth it? Any significant gains, pointless, or already doing something like this?

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There's already an IRC channel for modding; I personally don't use it anymore due to questionable content and quality.

There does seem to be a lot of chaff with the wheat there. Ugly, ugly chaff.

There are dedicated channels for some mods (#DMP, #RO, #CKAN, #Principia, etc), the signal to noise ratio in them is generally quite good.

Not sure why "aerodynamics" is listed as a problem in the OP, both the stock model and FAR are better than they've ever been.

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There's already an IRC channel for modding; I personally don't use it anymore due to questionable content and quality.

When I worked on the MechWarrior 4 games and NWN2 I spent a heck of a lot of productive time on the related IRC channels. Then NWN2's channel turned into a cesspit, the game devs refused to drop by anymore and I swore off ever using an IRC channel with modding again.

A couple of KSP modders recommended the IRC channel to me a few months back and I politely declined. Sounds like it was a good call then :P

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I've started hanging out on #RO since it's usually a pretty calm place. Nearly every time I go on #KSPModders the talk has nothing to do with KSP so I don't pay much attention to it. Otherwise the forum is as good a place as any to get some feedback and ask for help.

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As someone who frequents #KSPModders, yes the conversation quite frequently has nothing to do with KSP modding, but that's because a lot of the time there are no modding questions/topics to talk about.

So we fill the dead time with other stuff.

If you actually post a mod related question, I will try to answer it if I can and I have seen several other people in the channel try as well. It helps if you can ask your question and then hang around, even if I am in the channel, quite often I am AFK and will not see your question for quite a bit of time. If you join, ask your question, and then leave 5 minutes later because no one has answered, it almost certain that no one saw your question in that time because they did not have their IRC window open at that exact moment.


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