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Hide Camera Setting with F2


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I know this has been posted before, but I can't find it anywhere. I saw a thread with a mod that allowed you to hide the camera setting text for filming. Specifically when you switch back and forth between crafts.

Any help would be appreciated.

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I do remember this being in a mod many moons ago - and yes, someone else asked about it somewhere. I'm assuming that you want the green text removed that tells camera views, changing time warp info and instructions to grip ladders or climb?

That WOULD be a useful mod for cinematic users. I hope someone knows about it or is willing to recreate the mod.


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Hey clown baby thing... How do you even change between crafts without go to the map and pressing the craft icon? You seems to know it.

Man, every day I regret picking a super deep It's Always Sunny reference as my username.

But you use [ and ] to switch between craft without the map. Check out how much prettier my videos are without the camera text.

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