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Stimpy's Campaign Mode Budget Rules

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Hey Guys, posting up my rules that i\'ll be using in my LetsPlay, these are pretty basic and have not reallly been tested on anything other than paper, any ideas on improvements and balance are entirely welcome, thanks 8)



Campaign Mode Budget Rules

1) Achievement Bonuses Do Not Stack.

a) Landing ABs only apply to Mun, Minmus.

B) Sub-Orbital ABs are inclusive up to Orbit.

c) Landing AB applies to Kerbin ONLY when using a Shuttle or Non-Parachute Landing Method.

2) Unmanned Missions Rewards halved.

a) Unless stated as an unmanned mission, then use fixed reward.

3) Mission Reward can still be claimed despite Crew Death.

a) Unless Crew Survival is needed ie. a SpaceLab.

4) Successful Missions Receive 50% of Vehicle Cost back.

5) All mission rewards are reduced by 50% after first successful mission ( ie: firstmission fullprice, second, third fourth etc half price)

6) If Multiple Missions are attempted with one Launch, combine the Successful Missions\' Rewards together for total Reward.

a) Rule 5 applies to this.

7) If a Mission Requires Multiple Launches to be Complete (such as an orbital Rendezvous or Mun Base) the following

rules apply.

a)Mun/Minmus Bases (constructed from multiple launched sections) No Not suffer from Rule 5

B)Mun/Minmus Bases Do Not receive 50% Vehicle cost returns on successful missions.

c)Rule 5 applies when constructing additional Mun Bases (once a second Base on an Orbiting Body has been

established, no additional sections may be added to the previous.

d)Orbital Rendezvous are subject to Rule 5 in the same way as Mun/Minmus Bases.

e)Successful Orbital Rendezvous Do receive 50% Vehicle Cost Returns, unlike Mun/Minmus Bases.

f)Even if a Rendezvous is unsuccessful (ie: second vehicle misses window and cannot carry out Mission) no

penalties are incurred on the first, successfully deployed vehicle. ( a first time vehicle-to-vehicle rendezvous

would, if completely successful have an end total of 30,000k, split between the two vehicles. at Mission End

you would only receive 15,000k, as you would have already received the other half after the successful

deployment of the first vehicle. the first vehicles\' reward would not be changed due to the second vehicles\'

failure to meet with it, the second vehicles\' Reward would be Null.

(Similar Rules to these will eventually Apply to Space Stations once Docking is implemented)


Achievement Bonuses


30Km Sub-Orbital = 1,000k -

60Km Sub-Orbital = 5,000k -

80Km Sub-Orbital = 10,000k - Do Not Stack

100Km Sub-Orbital = 15,000k -

ORBIT = 30,000k -


Keo-Sync = 10,000k - Can Stack

Landing = 30,000k -


Mission Rewards


Unmanned Satellite = 20,000k

Unmanned Space Telescope = 20,000k

Unmanned Mun Probe = 25,000k

Unmanned Minmus Probe = 30,000k

Unmanned Kerbol Probe = 20,000k

Unmanned Extra Kerbol Probe = 15,000k

Orbital Rendezvous = 15,000k

Rescue Mission = 20,000k

Space-Lab = 30,000k

Space Station = 40,000k

Space-Shuttle Test = 30,000k

Test Vehicle* = 5,000k


Mun Mission = 45,000k

Mun Rover = 20,000k

Mun Base = 50,000k

Minmus Mission = 50,000k

Minmus Rover = 25,000k

Minmus Base = 55,000k



Crew Death

Crash = -15,000k

asphyxiation = -20,000k

Non-Circularized Orbit

(Unless Intentional)

= -5,000k

Land Falling Debris

Debris starting ballistic trajectory from Above 80km considered to burn up in atmosphere.

Sea-Falling Debris Ignored

KSC Debris Ignored (Unless direct hit on VAB/SpacePlaneVAB/WaterTower)

= -10,000k


*Test Vehicle Rules*

Test vehicle rules are meant to cover those times when you\'ve built a vehicle you\'re pretty sure is going to explode or have design problems as it reaches the launchpad, think of it as an insurance.

1)All vehicles designated test vehicles receive a 5,000 reward akin to a successful mission, regardless of actual success of the vehicle.

2)In addition, you only pay 25% of the vehicles actual cost

3)Test vehicle rewards do not incur any reduction.


Starting Budget: 50,000 Kennies


Added Rules for Multiple Missions in a single Launch and a Mission requiring multiple Launches (thoughts and feedback welcome/wanted)

Added Rescue Mission

Added Orbital Rendezvous Mission

Added Test Vehicle Rules



Episode 0:


Episode 1:


Episode 2:


Episode 3:


Episode 4:


Episode 5:

Head to my Youtube channel to check out Episode 5, since it won't let me put up six videos in one post!



Campaign Tracker


Edited by Lord_Stimpy
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This is great!

Just a note, Kerbits sounds a lot better than Kennies, though it\'s delightfully hilarious because Kenny from South Park is impossible to kill.

use whatever currency you wish :) i like kennies because of the south park connection (expendable astronauts...) and similar to \'pennies\'. I like the idea of a rocket being funded by vary large jars filled with copper coins :P one could say that Kerbits and Kennies are different coinage or something, a kerbit being 100Kennies, sandbox game do as thou wish! :D

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I like the sound of this, however you have not stated any part\'s costs, as the in game ones are all 999 last time I checked

I use alot of mods, and they have a wide range of prices on parts with very little balance in price between different packs. adds abit of randomness to it

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don\'t suppose you could post the Edits you made to the parts. Rebuilding the 1st Episode Rocket, I found that My CP ran out of air rather quickly... Something like this:

Part Name:
Changed: X to Y

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  • 5 weeks later...

Why did you block 4 of my accounts on your videos? I was nothing but respectful in my comments and was asking if you could send me a message telling me how I offended you, But then you just blocked all of my accounts and removed my comments, Could you at least tell me how I offended you? Or will you block me again? I really enjoy your videos, But now I cannot see when they come out because you blocked me. Could you at least read this post without removing it and blocking me? I don\'t understand why you keep doing this, So if you could reply and tell me why that would be great, I hope we can reach an understanding (Even though I have tried several times before to no success)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn\'t watch your series yet, but do you keep an excel spreadsheet of your gains and losses?

I will endeavour to make somesort of record sheet and put it in the opening post, however this won\'t be untill sunday nigtht as i am away untill then, and leaving very soon. just updating the opening post with extra rules, and episode 5 will be up in moments!

thanks to all who have supported me so far with this, its really appreciated!


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1.Under mission rewards you have listed space station and space lab. Where is the line between those? Would the ISS be considered both?

2. regarding the space station: would each luanch (assuming your adding on to it like the ISS) have space station aswell or would that reward be reserved for the 'core' of the station?

I love your series btw, it got me to actually buy the game instead of playing the demo :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Exactly what ARE all the mods you use? I\'ve installed the ones in your mods, however, i don\'t have NEARLY as many parts. Donwloaded BACE, and still, i only have 1 of their solar panels. You have like 5.

Lots of mods, ive got panels from the MultiJointPlugin mod, Kosmos panels, all sorts, i pick up odd parts that I like and discard stuff I don't

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1.Under mission rewards you have listed space station and space lab. Where is the line between those? Would the ISS be considered both?

2. regarding the space station: would each luanch (assuming your adding on to it like the ISS) have space station aswell or would that reward be reserved for the 'core' of the station?

I love your series btw, it got me to actually buy the game instead of playing the demo :)

I'm glad you bought the game :)

This is alittle up in the air right now, currently the way I work it is that a space lab is a single 'module' and a space station is two or more modules, connected at right-angles or a node connection. since docking doesn't exist yet a space station has to be launched fully assembled, but when docking is in, I'll alter the rules to something like 'spacelab+spacelab=space station+bonus for each additional modules' or something similar. And while i could launch individual parts and fudge edit the video then launch a solid built one, applying rules to video editing is...kinda fudgy so im sticking with the simple definition. Episode 6 of campaign mode hopefully...hopefully should be up either friday or monday depending on how fast it renders, but I describe the difference between a spacelab and space station in it.


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