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Does anyone know how airbrakes are set up?

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I'm making a couple of wings which are supposed to have airbrakes but I can't figure out how they work.

name = ModuleAeroSurface
useInternalDragModel = True
dragCoeff = 0.6
deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.38
ctrlSurfaceRange = 70
ctrlRangeFactor = 0.2
ctrlSurfaceArea = 1
actuatorSpeed = 20
transformName = Flap
defaultActionGroup = Brakes
liftingSurfaceCurve = SpeedBrake

Here's the code from C7's A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S part, does anyone know what this means? I get the same stuff that are on ModuleControlSurface but the rest doesn't really make sense to me.

I guess actuatorSpeed is how quick it rotates out? What about transformName? Assuming they're empty game objects like thrustTransforms for engines, why is that needed? What direction do they point in? And how do you use dragCoeff?

I can't find any documentation on this module so any help is really appreciated :)

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transformName = name of the rotating object, the actual flap. Like control surfaces It's rotated around X axis.

I think dragCoeff is an obsolete leftover from the old drag system.

Okay, thank you very much but how do they actually brake? Is that determined by the deflectionLiftCoeff?

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Okay, thank you very much but how do they actually brake? Is that determined by the deflectionLiftCoeff?

I'm just making an educated guess, but I think it's the drag cubes that are automatically calculated from the deployed end of the animation.

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It's actual simulated aerodynamics, just as if you'd place a wing flat against the air stream.

deflectionLiftCoeff is basically the effective area of the aero surface.

Alright thanks a bunch! Now my only problem is the control surface doesn't rotate around the X axis (if I have done everything correctly).


You can see here that the x axis is aligned... obj_ctrlSrf is just a game object because the actual mesh (Aileron object) isn't aligned right so I set obj_ctrlSrf as the transform. It seems more as if it rotates around the Z axis. Any advice or have I completely dun goofd?

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Ah right, I forgot to mention, this is a bit obscure but it seems like the parent object's X axis also needs to be aligned with the rotation axis.

So it might be enough to create an empty gameobject, align its axis to your CtrlSurface and use it as parent transform.

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