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Graphic problem on new iMac

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KSP 1.0.4 (clean) on OSX 10.10.4

Ghaphics: Intel Iris Pro 1536 MB

Finally I have a new iMac to play well to KSP ... but unfortunately , now I have more problems than before ...

Some crash when the lander approaches the surface of Mun , I dont see the shadows , and there are strange graphic problems ( see pic )

THANKS! I'm sad!;.;

Player log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qcafxhjaoayquwn/Player.log?dl=0


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I have seen this before but no fix was found, and there is nothing in the log to show a problem.

KSP doesn't even have an option to display terrain like this, it looks like it's applying an even level of light to each polygon instead of blending it from one to the next, like in this image.


It doesn't look like the Unity3D engine has a built-in flat shader, customers have to add their own or import flat shaded models manually.

The terrain isn't an imported mesh though, it is procedurally generated from a seed by KSP so all your planets should look like this.

Your craft should all look fine as parts are not generated but please show us a pic of your vessel as well, just in case it is also flat shaded.

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Thank you Sal_vager, as you can see the graphics of every other element is excellent!

the surface of planets looks above 3000m.


And, other problem, you can see here, the probe is at 1400m, but his shadow appears sliced ​​in irregular shapes , and only sometimes. then when it islanded, the ship dont have a correct shadow below...


- - - Updated - - -

I must say that so far I played with KSP for three years on an old Macbook , ok, no high settings , but never had these issues.

Now with my new iMac... this happens.

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I can see the same flat shading issue where your lander is, and you're high enough over Kerbin for it to switch to the low res version, I bet if you flew a plane on Kerbin you'd see the same effect there, and if you can get to Minmus it'd be nice to see.

It's good your parts are not affected, that means this is not a global effect and your graphics card and driver do support smooth shading, so it has to be caused by the generated terrain, it is likely that the shading used is either incompatible with the mac driver, or that the shading data just isn't being detected.

Do you have the same effect in fullscreen mode as well ?

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I'm assuming your iMac has a retina display? If so...

Two things... for some reason, Retina displays freak out when you use textures above 1/4... you should dial that back. Also, make sure you're running in low res mode. Right click on the KSP application in your KSP_osx folder and choose "show info". Under options, make sure "Open in Low Resolution" is checked.

I was having this same issue on my brand-spankin' new macbook, and dialing back the textures to 1/4 or 1/8 solved a lot of problems for me. Might not be cinema quality, but it's playable.

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Here I am again salvager :) , On Kerbin, low altitude, the shading problem is the same:


BUT! at Minmus, everything is OK, no shader problem, and the shadow of the ship is under the ship, correclty :0

but, in the same game session, I flew on MUN, again, and:


this, in the same game session where MINMUS was "OK" I dont understand... Minmus is much lighter than MUN?

After, I've played on Fullscreen (no windowed) and I have some random crash...

mac crash report:


- - - Updated - - -

...and I repeat , until today, I played without problems for three years on a macbook 2008 ... T___T



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Were you on the Minmus flats? It might not show the effect to the same extreme as the Minmus slopes, and I think the flats are just a sphere mesh anyway, not generated at all.

As for the crash, no idea, not from an OSX crash log anyway, there should be a crash folder containing several files and with the date of the crash in the KSP folder if KSP was able to write one.

If it is not there then the player.log from immediately after the crash would be needed, but if KSP was re-started it will have been overwritten.

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