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Kerbalizer (website-y post)


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(I have no idea where I should be posting this, so it's here now. Enjoy it.)

Has anyone noticed that Kerbalizer has really changed. Not just in a good way, actually in a bad way. It's sort of reverted back to the free version (if you brought it recently, like I had to due to yadda yadda, reasons) even if you spent money.

So you spend a few quid, open it up and get the previously free version but now with bits missing and a lot more bugs! :mad:

This is kinda terrible.

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I never bought it because it lacks the ability to put your customized Kerbal in the game. Do that and I'd buy that for a dollar.

Shoot, for that ability I would pay up to ten dollars.

I mean seriously, it would be an awesome feature to the game. Along with a general population of Kerbin. (Or at least visible workers besides in the VAB and SPH)

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^ In-game custom Kerbals would be awesome but I wouldn't mind if they don't become a thing.

More on-topic: I have the paid version of the Kerbalizer (it's a useful drawing reference!) so I'll see if it's buggy for me too, soon. What browser are you using?

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