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Do I have to buy KSP to get version 0.15?


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I really want to try the SpacePlanes and try out the addons, but I\'m still not sure that I want to buy the game. I suck at everything but building insane rockets that fly far into the cosmos :)

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Hi Kadadj, you do indeed have to pay for 0.15, and that purchase will give you access to all the features to come as well.

However you can also try aircraft in the Demo if you install the C7 flight pack that can be found here.

Some parts like the experimental gear are for versions above 0.13, but the rest should still work without problems.

There are still many other excellent mods that work in the Demo as well, such as the Downunder pack, the White Monkey pack and the Failcan.

Hope this helps.

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when you can, do it.. its an awesome game and its worth at least 15 (if not more) USD for the days of (if not weeks) joy its given me so far. the devs really deserve a pat on the back :)

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