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Freezing at 69 km

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Hi guys, got little problem here

I'm trying to start a new career mode game, and it was going fine until I tried to breach the atmosphere. For some reason, the game completely freezes as soon as I hit 69 km. The sound will still be playing but the screen is frozen and the game doesn't respond at all (have to shut it down with task manager).

I've done some tests, and it seems like this only happens in career mode. If I fly the exact same rocket in sandbox or science mode, everything works fine.

I did a search, but the only thing I could find similar to what I'm experiencing was a couple messages in the KScale2 thread. I'm not using that mod, but I am using Kerbol 3.7, which is another similar Kopernicus mod, but I don't really understand how either would only break in career.

Any ideas? I'm so baffled!

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The fact it only happens in career mode makes me think there's something wrong with the game when you complete the 'Escape the atmosphere' contract. Do you have any mods that could affect this, like contract packs?

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Known bug in kopernicus.

Basically the contracts are looking for something that ends up being under the surface causing a crash.

It is detailed here: https://github.com/BryceSchroeder/Kopernicus/issues/48

I believe this is the fix. Change the following lines in GameData\Squad\Contracts\Contracts.cfg

TrivialHomeNearbyRange = 200000
SignificantHomeNearbyRange = 400000
ExceptionalHomeNearbyRange = 600000

I increased the values by 100 times.

You could probably write a MM file to do the same thing.

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