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Ruining Macey's Dream :(


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I did some tests on KSS Laniakea. She can easily be decapitated if your shots are aimed correctly.

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Engines are well armored. If you hit the most of the paneling on the sides, it will simply break doing no extreme damage. But the KSS Laniakea is built along a spine that goes from the cupola to the engines, and if one of the fuel tanks is hit, the ships is render useless being split in half. :(

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I mean... It is a carrier after all. Not supposed to be going up against direct fire. It's defenses are only little anti-fighter missiles too. Anything will be able to go through that paper-thin armor. I think the whole point will be just to keep it out of the fray in a direct skirmish.

Edited by Jon144
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I dont feel it matters, given a carrier is basically (at lest all my carriers work this way) a ship designed to launch/refuel smaller ships, and only actually fight if absolutely necessary. That said, i can see why the hunter class assault carrier will not hold up to RT-10 torps or any other capital ship weaponry, the best choice woulkd be a core full of nothing but girders, like my newly developed SK-FRG-I frigate with carrier functionality, but i see its is extra mass that isnt being used as fuel.

That said, the simplest way to improve the vessel is to replace the central FTL-800 fuel tanks with MK2 long fuel tanks, those have MUCH better impract resistance, no girder but way better then 6 m/s, and they are only a hair heavier and you can get pure LFO versions too.

I build most of my weaker armored vessels out of MK2 or MK3 fuselages/cargo bays, these are negligibly heavier then what Macey is using, and are actually resistant to everything that isnt a high powered weapon. Stuff like antpedoes (what i call torps that are oscar+docking ports+ant engine) will never ever do any damage to these things, whereas they can and do destroy FLT-800 tanks if you hit it from the right distance and speed.

Then again, the damage model has drastically changed from teh past, with mass playing a much bigger role then before, so having one massive tank, is actually not bad since it seems to be harder to kill then impact resistance alone would say. For exapmple, try hitting a 14400 tank with a short ibeam, it doesnt matter how fast it goes, it almost always instantly desintegrates on contact. Seems that right now what atters the most for armoring is the force a joint can take before it breaks (you dotn see much part vaporized anymore, mostly just ships cut in half or missing components that have been shot off), the mass of the part relative to teh mass of teh bullet/rocket/whatever (low mass weapons dont do jack anymore unless you are shooting at extremely weak stuff liek fighters), and ofc impact tolerance is always good to have as well, but in my experience, using 1.04, 90% of damage is when a joint is overloaded, cutting something off the ship, with low mass missiles being almost worthless.

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The most practical design solution is to have everything attached at a high-impact tolerance core. As Panzer1b said. Things will still be light-weight but one structural failure will not spell doom for the entire ship.

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Not only is the structure tank based it all runs through this exposed tank at the back.

yeah, its an issue armor wise, but something im working on fixing in another assault carrier im making (itll most likely be my 1st real frigate class since 95% of my capitals are corvettes.

Im working with a similar layout to macey's ship, except for armored core, way better fuel/engine layout, and overall less part count too (my absolute max ill ever make a ship without weapons or fighters is 300 parts, i just refuse to go above 300 weapons aside). What im defenetely gonna copy is the way the side fighter bays are layed out, since i do like that layout and well, it works well from a armor standpoint since its better to loose the fighter bay then the whole ship (internally mounted fighter bays are weakspots).

Anyways, that is ofc after i finish my new corvette, i keep redesigning teh SK-CRV-I as im still not happy with it. It has enough armor to at a minimum be very very hard to kil with ibeam weapons (ive done it, but it took in excess of 10+ 2 long ibeam salvos to actually chop it in two), and it can take the random RT-5 if needed. Ofc itll die quickly to dedicated heavy firepower, but for a anti-fighter flakship so to speak (kinda designed it to replace my old flakboat in the anti-fighter defense role), its armor, range, and firepower is more then adequate. Currently armed with 2 generic RT-5s, 8 long ibeams, and 16 KDrone precision rcs powered anti-fighter missiles, 8 S and 8 M model. Considering all that armarment is more then the part count of the hull, and the whole thing comes in below 300 parts, i say its a win for me.

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The most practical design solution is to have everything attached at a high-impact tolerance core. As Panzer1b said. Things will still be light-weight but one structural failure will not spell doom for the entire ship.

Exactly my plan; surround the main controller, weapons engines and some fuel and power with heavy armor, then build the rest of the craft around it. That way when you get hit, things will explode but you will be able to continue the fight.


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