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Whats your spider do you hate the most?

Sharkman Briton

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I think spiders are creepy, but I also think they are amazing because of the fact that they spin their webs with a material stronger than steel, and the webs themselves are very intricate.

I don't think I dislike any of the spiders I come in contact with on a regular basis, but I never want to see a spider more than 2" across in person.

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  Starwhip said:
Banana Spiders.

I. Hate. Them.

Mother of God, these things are everywhere during the summer here in Miami, Florida. *shudders*

Ah yes, banana spiders (orb weavers). Walking into an occupied orb weaver web is a great way to have a heart attack. :)

I will see your banana spider, and raise you with the southern house spider.


We had these in my house growing up. They are big (with the legs extended they're about the size of a drink coaster) and they are fast. Completely harmless, but also very blind, easily startled, and unable to distinguish your body from any other available cover. They are large enough to where you can sometimes hear them when they move.

The above picture is a male spider. This is what the females look like (also harmless).


I found one of those in an empty coffee mug one morning. The mug was almost too small for it. It took me a while to peel myself off the ceiling. :)

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This is my least favorite spider:


Generally I have a rather passive policy towards spiders: If you don't touch me, I won't touch you. Touch me, and I'll turn you into paste. The sole exception to this rule is jumping spiders. I forgive their curiosity and turn them loose, mainly because they murder other spiders for dinner. Plus they wear adorable hats.


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anyone got a favorite spider? i think the ballooning spider is pretty neat.. they .... an electrostaticly charged 'parachute' of spider silk and use wind currents to get around..

pic is somewhere in australia where a large group of them landed and left their parachutes behind


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  Belphegor said:
anyone got a favorite spider? i think the ballooning spider is pretty neat.. they .... an electrostaticly charged 'parachute' of spider silk and use wind currents to get around..

pic is somewhere in australia where a large group of them landed and left their parachutes behind


I don't want to live in Australia then... (well, there are several more reasons as well)

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  Belphegor said:
anyone got a favorite spider? i think the ballooning spider is pretty neat.. they .... an electrostaticly charged 'parachute' of spider silk and use wind currents to get around..

pic is somewhere in australia where a large group of them landed and left their parachutes behind


Reminds me a little bit of the ending of "Kingdom of spiders", where the whole village is covered by spiderwebs :D


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Welp, I just came back from a vacation and I found a harvestman in one bathroom and a spider in another. So my house is probably infested with those things. Again I respect spiders, but not the ones in my house. My least favourite spider is probably every spider I see in my house.

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