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[WIP][1.3.1] North Kerbin Dynamics - Nuclear Bombs and Heavy Ordnance Pack (and other things) v0.84b


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i need help. I have downloaded all the needed addons and the addon itself however the nuclear bombs are not working. I have Northern Kerbal Dynamics, BD armoury continued (latest version) and CAL++. I drop any nuclear bomb, the game lags a little, and then i get just a normal small explosion. help please, i just want to blow up some kerbals. :(


update: changed the file name and it worked. thx :D

Edited by Starnerd666
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  On 6/15/2017 at 6:23 AM, dragonface said:

i have interstellar, kerbal joint reinforcement, vessel mover, tweakscale, mechjeb, and bd armory, i'm running 1.3 and havn't touched any folders exept to remove the version number for nkd, and thanks for replying


I'm running the same mods and have no trouble. One thing I have had happen is my video card actually booted me off of it during the Castle Bravo test because of ram issues (not having enough) and it kept crashing, I simply reinstalled and everything was great and haven't had a crash since. Wish I could help out sorry.

  On 6/15/2017 at 10:47 AM, idiot101300 said:

Sooooo quick question, how does one detonate the nuclear ordnance like the castle bravo once its left the plane?


When it hits the ground.

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Progress Report:

Been working on some new parts, will tease those soon enough. They have been requested multiple times so it would be pretty weird if I ignored it.

Also added a few new features to HarpExplosive (the module that gives nukes their functionality) which now checks for the weapon being fired/dropped and another feature that will also be teased at a later date that will probably double the size of the effects folder :P

More news coming soon, been a little busy with post-grad stuff and hanging out with friends before a few head out for the rest of summer, but had plenty of time to work on this. I'm very glad to be back :D 

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Anyone experiencing issues with aircraft being destroyed after nuke explosion even though you are far enough away not to be damaged? I believe it's a BDAc issue but not positive of that. How is blastPower being used or what does it represent as this may be my issue as well?

Edited by Next_Star_Industries
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I'm going to start off saying that yes, I installed correctly, yes everything is up to date. I have a problem with the free fall nukes. Be it a w88, b-61 or tsar, none of them properly detonate. They hit the ground and go splat, but don't go nuclear. The genie 2 works fine, but the tsars seem to be built in China, In other words they fizzle. 


I did some poking in the config files, and all free fall nukes have two places where their blast abilities are defined, the missile section and the module bomb section. I believe that when they drop, they hit the ground still thinking they are missiles not nukes, and detonate with the 0/0/-1 values.


Any help is appreciated 



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  On 6/21/2017 at 10:55 PM, ArmchairPhysicist said:

I'm going to start off saying that yes, I installed correctly, yes everything is up to date. I have a problem with the free fall nukes. Be it a w88, b-61 or tsar, none of them properly detonate. They hit the ground and go splat, but don't go nuclear. The genie 2 works fine, but the tsars seem to be built in China, In other words they fizzle. 


I did some poking in the config files, and all free fall nukes have two places where their blast abilities are defined, the missile section and the module bomb section. I believe that when they drop, they hit the ground still thinking they are missiles not nukes, and detonate with the 0/0/-1 values.


Any help is appreciated 




that's not how the modules work at all. The reason they have 0 values is because they are meant to produce no explosion and let my module take over, as it is redundant for things like guidance to be recoded by me when I can simply piggyback on them. The ModuleMissile in those parts is only to give it an interface with BDArmory and its weapon module.

I'm not sure what is going on that only the free-fall bombs have issues, could you elaborate on how you're having them detonate?

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I've tried a number of delivery systems using different nukes, but for example I'll use the 1.2 MT nuke (sorry for yield and not name, I'm not at my pc right now). I first tried a simple mirv design using a computer core (I use interstellar) and a airstream protective shell. Inside of which i mount 4-16 bombs radially around a structural pillar. I have redundant weapons managers because redundancy. I configure my GPS targeting, fly missles up, enter strike trajectory, and once I'm at the proper altitude I deploy the shell. If I didn't already I select my payload and arm the trigger, and fire at will using the "~" key. Missiles fire fine, even begin curving in towards their targets. But when they hit the ground they just go splat. Sadly this isn't even a fizzile. 

Ive messed around with other bombs and nukes, and I've found this. 

Any bomb that gets its yield data from your module doesn't go boom. The genie 2s go boom in a big way. Jdams go boom. FOABS and 12000 dumb bombs go boom. But if I'm the editor it says 0/0/-1, it goes splat. I even tried setting destination height for an air burst to try and force a detonation without crashing, thinking that might fix it, but it still slams into the ground with no effect.


W88s are problematic in another way. When falling through the atmosphere they behave erratically. Their guidance works, their ballistic trajectory coding works. But when they hit roughly 250 m/s they violently spasm, lose all velocity, then begins falling again. Not sure what is happening but I can do further testing if you want, I'd love to help in any way.


Having said this I need to address a few things. My description might come across as slightly harsh. I don't mean it this way. I love this mod and what you've done with it. It's really something special. I I especially like what you did with the ballistics trajectory abilities of the weapons, almost no games do that. 

I simply want to be through in my description of the bugs I've found, as it leads to better fixes.

Any other details you need, I'll get right on getting them.

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From what I can tell, the problem is that the Modulenuclealexplosive isn't activating. I only know enough about programming to be able to read code, not enough to build it, but I'm not sure why there are two modules. Why not combine them since "missile launcher" already has all of the parameters that "nuclearexplosive" has?

Odds are that the second module is needed for something that I can't see, since I didn't write it.

Edited by ArmchairPhysicist
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I also extrapolated the yield values of the nukes based on kilotons to ambiguous power units based on IRL genie 2 yield and it's in game power


1.5 kt = 350

W88  =              110833
Tsar=           116666666
Castle bravo=3500000
B-61=                  79333
B-83=.              280000
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  On 6/22/2017 at 5:31 PM, ArmchairPhysicist said:

I also extrapolated the yield values of the nukes based on kilotons to ambiguous power units based on IRL genie 2 yield and it's in game power


1.5 kt = 350

W88  =              110833
Tsar=           116666666
Castle bravo=3500000
B-61=                  79333
B-83=.              280000

I actually already made an equation that accurately (within 15m) calculates radius based on yield, which I will be using as power from now on in tonnes.

  On 6/22/2017 at 5:21 PM, ArmchairPhysicist said:

From what I can tell, the problem is that the Modulenuclealexplosive isn't activating. I only know enough about programming to be able to read code, not enough to build it, but I'm not sure why there are two modules. Why not combine them since "missile launcher" already has all of the parameters that "nuclearexplosive" has?

Odds are that the second module is needed for something that I can't see, since I didn't write it.


Because I can't access BDArmory code to modify it, or if I can it's easier now that I have a second module of my own instead of having to redo it every time BDArmory releases and update.

  On 6/22/2017 at 1:22 PM, ArmchairPhysicist said:

I've tried a number of delivery systems using different nukes, but for example I'll use the 1.2 MT nuke (sorry for yield and not name, I'm not at my pc right now). I first tried a simple mirv design using a computer core (I use interstellar) and a airstream protective shell. Inside of which i mount 4-16 bombs radially around a structural pillar. I have redundant weapons managers because redundancy. I configure my GPS targeting, fly missles up, enter strike trajectory, and once I'm at the proper altitude I deploy the shell. If I didn't already I select my payload and arm the trigger, and fire at will using the "~" key. Missiles fire fine, even begin curving in towards their targets. But when they hit the ground they just go splat. Sadly this isn't even a fizzile. 

Ive messed around with other bombs and nukes, and I've found this. 

Any bomb that gets its yield data from your module doesn't go boom. The genie 2s go boom in a big way. Jdams go boom. FOABS and 12000 dumb bombs go boom. But if I'm the editor it says 0/0/-1, it goes splat. I even tried setting destination height for an air burst to try and force a detonation without crashing, thinking that might fix it, but it still slams into the ground with no effect.


W88s are problematic in another way. When falling through the atmosphere they behave erratically. Their guidance works, their ballistic trajectory coding works. But when they hit roughly 250 m/s they violently spasm, lose all velocity, then begins falling again. Not sure what is happening but I can do further testing if you want, I'd love to help in any way.


Having said this I need to address a few things. My description might come across as slightly harsh. I don't mean it this way. I love this mod and what you've done with it. It's really something special. I I especially like what you did with the ballistics trajectory abilities of the weapons, almost no games do that. 

I simply want to be through in my description of the bugs I've found, as it leads to better fixes.

Any other details you need, I'll get right on getting them.


The W88 is a known issue, and the Genie doesn't use the module which is something I forgot and will change in the next update :P.

But... What you're describing actually means that your dll file may either not exist, not work, or not be installed properly. Check your plugins folder, and see if NorthKerbinMod.dll is present. Sometimes computers block dll files from download so they can accidentally be removed without knowing. There have also been known file structure issues so please take a screenshot of your GameData and inside NorthKerbinWeaponry if the dll thing doesn't work. That's all I can really say, as the only occasions in which these things have happened are during dll removals and/or improper installation.

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  On 6/23/2017 at 4:59 PM, Next_Star_Industries said:

@harpwner So the blastPower = tonnes of tnt equivalent?  I have been trying to figure out this call and what it represents.


Speaking of this, I've worked out a set of empirical formulas to calculate approximate power of my bombs. It's not that accurate but it works quite well.

[P = cannonShellPower ≈ 6 * m^(0.4) (m stands for the shell's TNT equivalent of bursting charge, kg)(Recommending 7.5 * m^(0.4) for 75 to 155 mm guns)]
[H = cannonShellHeat ≈ 10.5 * m^(0.4) (Recommending 13.125 * m^(0.4) for 75 to 155 mm guns)]
[R = cannonShellRadius ≈ 21 * m^(0.8) (Recommending 4.2 * m^(0.8) or 8.4 * m^(0.8) for medium to large caliber cannons)]

[P = 5.75 * m^(1/3) (Bombs & Missiles) (m stands for the shell's TNT equivalent of bursting charge, kg)]
[R = K * P (Bombs & Missiles, K ranges from 1.25 to 1.75), H=0.9 * R]

Hope that this can be a reference.

Edited by Acea
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  On 6/23/2017 at 5:01 PM, ArmchairPhysicist said:

From the values currently coded, arbitrary blastpower to kt is 350abp per 1.5 kiloton

Hope the nukes get fixed soon though, conventional icbms and MIRVed genies aren't cutting it


Are you sure the GameData/North Kerbin Weaponry folder doesn't have the version number after it. I'm having no problem with nukes working. There are a few issues with where explosions are happening at the moment but everyone is working it out.


  On 6/23/2017 at 5:23 PM, Acea said:

Speaking of this, I've worked out a set of empirical formulas to calculate approximate power of my bombs. It's not that accurate but it works quite well.

[P = cannonShellPower ≈ 6 * m^(0.4) (m stands for the shell's TNT equivalent of bursting charge, kg)(Recommending 7.5 * m^(0.4) for 75 to 155 mm guns)]
[H = cannonShellHeat ≈ 10.5 * m^(0.4) (Recommending 13.125 * m^(0.4) for 75 to 155 mm guns)]
[R = cannonShellRadius ≈ 21 * m^(0.8) (Recommending 4.2 * m^(0.8) or 8.4 * m^(0.8) for medium to large caliber cannons)]

[P = 5.75 * m^(1/3) (Bombs & Missiles) (m stands for the shell's TNT equivalent of bursting charge, kg)]
[R = K * P (Bombs & Missiles, K ranges from 1.25 to 1.75), H=0.9 * P]

Hope that this can be a reference.


Thank you! It's a great reference. I'm using real world blast radius and want to keep real world blast power or close to it.

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