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I have determined that this game is unplayable.


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I havn't bumped into many issues, I have met the craken maybe 3 times since .25 & i play with nuff mods.

All three occasions were beacuse of part clipping, were fine on takeoff, but then in orbit when docking then returning to the craft after some time it threw a few wobblers.

I have had strange behaviour like what you say with struts, and strange staging but have worked out its something I'm doing in the editor which is changing it somehow.

I understand what you say, there are certain "things" that need "workarounds" and I'm one of the lucky ones, I havn't had any probs with overheating or overlays.

When the game came from .25 to .90 or whatever it was then it became obvious they would be going past v1. The other game I have that is like that is minecraft thats at something like 1.8.something i still with 1.7.1 because of mods :/

Getting help for problems in games like this is a nightmare, everyone is everywhere with versions and mods and it becomes tedious but I persist. Admittedly I dont play MC any more. I didn't even get to the end after a good couple years playing either. lmao

Anyway. Hope they figure out the going to one side thing on the runway, lucky again for me I havn't really started with planes and maybe they'll start rolling out updates like... like bacon.

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I've met the Hell Kraken too many times for my own good. This was from like, when, 0.23?

I only experienced the overheating bug once in my designs, but I have to do drastic corrections to a plane's couese when rolling down the runway because it keeps veering off.

Other than that, I myself don't have much trouble. But it doesn't mean that it's unnecessary to fix it. For Kraken's sake, there are already community-made workarounds that haven't been implemented!

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You guys and your struts. I was around when KSP could be boiled down to "if your rocket doesn't move, add boosters, and if it does, add struts" ...but things have changed. I build some pretty hefty ships these days and have only minimal need for struts - and when I do need them, they're in fairly obvious places such as at the end of a long stack of tanks that's mounted at the other end.

Kidonia, for example, only has twelve struts (two rings of six) in the entire hull.

I feel like people who think the game has an excessive need for struts or that KJR is necessary are either A: building mega-ultra ships and likely using modpacks such as KW or SpaceY, or B: aren't putting adequate effort into designing stable ships - i.e. don't attach a bunch of Big Oranges to an OKTO2.

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I feel the OP's pain.

I love this game, because if I didn't, it would be sitting in a (virtual) shelf by now, just by the frustration brought by bugs.

Seriously, I experienced LITERALLY dozens of bugs, many, if not most, game breaking. Things like ships randomly exploding in space with parts flung at hundreds of times lightspeed, parts not working as expected, symmetry issues making planes unflyable, random parts exploding for no reason....the list goes on, I can't even remember all of them.

Before this, I played space engineers. It is updated WEEKLY, usually has new features, and is WAY more stable than KSP. Oh and it's still alpha last time I checked. I know there are differences, but come on. Like some said before, the fact there are community bugfixes for long standing bugs is worrying. I expect the new version to add a bunch of new, lovely, game-breaking bugs for us! Yes!

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By 0.23.5 or something, I had uninstalled KJR and played normally. I can't play 1.0.X without it - ships bend a lot.

The service bays borders are bugged like hell. It looks like the collision meshes are wrong.

Stuff inside, or bordering, cargo bays overheat when subject to timewarp.

High part count space stations or bases not subject to any external or even internal forces will grind the game to a stop so at every frame, the CPU can calculate "No, no changes, keep everything just like last frame"

Those are serious bugs (and an annoying feature). There are ways around some of them: KJR & toggling the "ignore max heat" cheat. But they shouldn't be there.

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I don't know what's worse, the not-so-random overheating bug
Turn on the "Ignore Max Temperature" cheat.
or the constant structural linkage failures even with struts added
Not seen this myself except for with the Mk3 parts. Maybe get Kerbal Joint Reinforcement?
or the phantom forces that keeps pulling space planes to the side on the runway during take-off.
Make a plane that can be controlled during its takeoff roll. If using a stick or controller don't forget that wheel and rudder are separate control settings, just both bound to A/D by default.
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The heating model is problematical. It especially doesn't work well with timewarp, which is why at >100x timewarp the heating model is turned off. Instead, a much more simplified heating model is used that seems to just treat the entire ship as a single part.

Also, the basic concept of "skin" is a kludge. It kind of works, when fiddled with, but it doesn't work well.

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I have a comment to those who are saying they don't have some of the bugs others see. I think the dichotomous attitudes are due to the fact that constant players over the variuos patch cycles have a perspective of what the game used to be like pre 0.25 (hilariuosly unpredictable physics, particular with large craft) and the bugs have evolved over time. The problem is that in the school of hard knocks the struggle to succeed and be successful one has also evolved ones engineering skills and play strategies to circumvent the bugs and new engineerin problems. Then we get to the point where we are not actively trying to distinguish the bugs from not-bug problems. When 1.02/.04 came out I had alot of problems with heat, now the problems are minimal and i don,t know why. Odd things like my Kerbal is overheating, but there is no atmosphere where he is flying, but not lethal levels so mainly annoyed.

Fewer problems not using old add-on parts and using new crafted parts. Some of this may be due to old part-tools and stuff. To those having problems just play easy mode and save alot, whatever problems you are having, it would be 10 times worse playing 0.22 or 0.20, and we all lived through th experience.

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