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Devnote Tuesday: The Weekly Grind


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E: Actually, a redesign is probably a pipe dream considering Harv's belief that something like the "burn for rendezvous time" indicator is in the right spot (it's not even topical, re-examine the placement seriously and wonder why people have literally messaged me going OMG THAT EXISTS?)


Er, wait, what is it?

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Er, wait, what is it?

When you have a target selected and an intercept set up, go into the map view and click the info button on the right (make sure your craft is focused). You'll see the time required for an intercept burn there (to match orbits). It's a useful piece of information but even I forget to use it sometimes because It's in a totally awkward spot.
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When you have a target selected and an intercept set up, go into the map view and click the info button on the right (make sure your craft is focused). You'll see the time required for an intercept burn there (to match orbits). It's a useful piece of information but even I forget to use it sometimes because It's in a totally awkward spot.


I had no clue that was there. What version was this even introduced in?

- - - Updated - - -

No but it may let us use more than a poultry 3.5gb of ram before it explodes. 64 bit.

That's hoping that the upgrade to U5 will make the Win64 version stable. I have a Linux drive installed just so I can play KSP in the mean time :)

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While I have no evidence to back up this claim, I would still confidently say that Mac will be the last focus of Squad after all the other major systems. It would probably be better for all Mac KSP users to switch to Linux for optimal performance.

Not making excuses for anyone or for anything. This is just how I see the Mac situation.

I know and understand that Mac users are considered by many to be outcasts and boo hoo to the mac users they should switch to linux. Well why should I have to? I want to just play the game with a the moderate amount of mods I enjoy without having the game shutdown after a half hour. This memory leak issue for mac users has creeped up on us. Just as an anecdotal example of the problems that have come with each subsequent update, I used to be able to to run KW, FASA, and KSOS without any issue. Those weren't even the only mods I used to play with. This was before DDS textures and before I needed to use ATM. I started using ATM around I think somewhere in the middle of the .24 updates, because I was seeing huge performance drops and wanted more mods. Every subsequent update after that I have only been able to play with singularly large mods and KSOS I can't even use, even with ATM. Like I said this might sound anecdotal but I just don't know how to explain it. I was able to use large mods simultaneously one update and then the next poof I can barely use KW with other mods installed. The albums below were made I think during .24. Like I said its a problem that has gone unaddressed and it has severely diminished my enthusiasm about playing KSP. i would love to install EVE or any of the world changing mods but even 100% stock the game crashes. I have ruled out out any problems with my computer. I have run diagnostics and everything is a-ok. So all I ask is that before moving onto another platform complete work or address problems with the current ones.

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I know and understand that Mac users are considered by many to be outcasts and boo hoo to the mac users they should switch to linux. Well why should I have to? I want to just play the game with a the moderate amount of mods I enjoy without having the game shutdown after a half hour. This memory leak issue for mac users has creeped up on us. Just as an anecdotal example of the problems that have come with each subsequent update, I used to be able to to run KW, FASA, and KSOS without any issue. Those weren't even the only mods I used to play with. This was before DDS textures and before I needed to use ATM. I started using ATM around I think somewhere in the middle of the .24 updates, because I was seeing huge performance drops and wanted more mods. Every subsequent update after that I have only been able to play with singularly large mods and KSOS I can't even use, even with ATM. Like I said this might sound anecdotal but I just don't know how to explain it. I was able to use large mods simultaneously one update and then the next poof I can barely use KW with other mods installed. The albums below were made I think during .24. Like I said its a problem that has gone unaddressed and it has severely diminished my enthusiasm about playing KSP. i would love to install EVE or any of the world changing mods but even 100% stock the game crashes. I have ruled out out any problems with my computer. I have run diagnostics and everything is a-ok. So all I ask is that before moving onto another platform complete work or address problems with the current ones.



I don't consider Mac users outcasts. Also I'm not trying to say you have to switch or Linux or you are dumb for not; I am simply stating the opinion that Mac users will continue to face issues longer than the other platforms, and if one was concerned about an optimal game experience right now, that switching to Linux would accomplish that.

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I don't consider Mac users outcasts. Also I'm not trying to say you have to switch or Linux or you are dumb for not; I am simply stating the opinion that Mac users will continue to face issues longer than the other platforms, and if one was concerned about an optimal game experience right now, that switching to Linux would accomplish that.

I never expected the day to come where I would hear those words, now for them to apply to Windows.

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Jim (Romfarer)

This week i finished implementing all the KnowledgeBase apps. With that done it also marks a milestone in the UI overhaul process since everything i set out to do has been “completedâ€Â. That said I now have to go over everything and fill in the parts i left out, such as animated applauncher buttons and other non critical polish tasks. I also need to do internal testing before the QA team gets their hands on this, in order to eliminate the most obvious bugs. It has been a bit of a rat race to get all of these UI panels set up in the timeframe we were given. Wherever possible i have re-coded everything syntactically, as in, I’m converting the code to UI5 without being 100% aware of what the code I’m converting does.

"Allow me to reiterate, I speak no English. Perhaps this will wash the confusion from your face, my friend. My apparent fluency is the result of constant repetition. As you can imagine, I have been through this speech many times before, in fact ,I could repeat it for you in any one of seven different languages. Yet oddly enough , I've never learned to speak it in my own, which is fine since over the years I have forgotten how to speak my own language."

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"Allow me to reiterate, I speak no English. Perhaps this will wash the confusion from your face, my friend. My apparent fluency is the result of constant repetition. As you can imagine, I have been through this speech many times before, in fact ,I could repeat it for you in any one of seven different languages. Yet oddly enough , I've never learned to speak it in my own, which is fine since over the years I have forgotten how to speak my own language."


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"Allow me to reiterate, I speak no English. Perhaps this will wash the confusion from your face, my friend. My apparent fluency is the result of constant repetition. As you can imagine, I have been through this speech many times before, in fact ,I could repeat it for you in any one of seven different languages. Yet oddly enough , I've never learned to speak it in my own, which is fine since over the years I have forgotten how to speak my own language."

Sounds like the best way to program if you like emergent behaviour...

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What of the overheating issues?

I'd like to know this... I think it's pretty much accepted knowledge that there is a heating bug that will cause part temperatures to shoot up until they explode - can't help but suspect that THAT is not a Unity bug, and needs addressing. Though if it IS solved by U5, by all means correct me and make everyone happy :)

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I'd like to know this... I think it's pretty much accepted knowledge that there is a heating bug that will cause part temperatures to shoot up until they explode - can't help but suspect that THAT is not a Unity bug, and needs addressing. Though if it IS solved by U5, by all means correct me and make everyone happy :)

I suspect it is related to the spontaneous combustion issue that has been around for ages, adding heat simulation to the mix just made it worse. In that case I believe it is a Unity issue.

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