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an impossible contract ??

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I wonder if the game is kidding with me I have a contract wich asks me to mine 1050 ore from EVE and to land it to gilly :x ( WHY ???? :confused: )

it offers me 1 million I definetely need a lot more to do this, but I accepted it for the challenge

so I am trying this since a week and I still did not success

taking off 1050 ore is a big problem because of its mass and a typical Eve lander with flt800 tanks and aerospike engines can definetely not put it to orbit :s

whats more surprising is that the contract has only 2 stars :confused:

can anyone ever managed to accomplish a similar contract ?

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I believe that you could actually satisfy the contract by landing a drill + small tank + power source on Eve to drill 1050 ore(may need to empty small ore tank a few times), then land a ship on Gilly with 1050 ore on board(I think drilling it from Gilly then lifting off and landing would be sufficient)

In the past I have satisfied similar contracts by drilling on the Mun, use the ore for fuel, landing on Minmus, refilling the ore tank from minmus = transport ore from Mun to Minmus.

So the very most you should need to do is: mine Eve for 1050 ore, dump tank, land on Gilly, Mine 1050 ore from Gilly(you may need to have a Kerbal bump into the ship to move it momentarily off the surface, not sure)

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So the very most you should need to do is: mine Eve for 1050 ore, dump tank, land on Gilly, Mine 1050 ore from Gilly(you may need to have a Kerbal bump into the ship to move it momentarily off the surface, not sure)

From what I did for my Minmus contract, I can confirm you don't need to dump tank on the drilling spot, and you do need to lift off the target ship momentarily.

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I believe that you could actually satisfy the contract by landing a drill + small tank + power source on Eve to drill 1050 ore(may need to empty small ore tank a few times), then land a ship on Gilly with 1050 ore on board(I think drilling it from Gilly then lifting off and landing would be sufficient)

Guys, stop suggesting this. This is plain old cheating. OP accepted it for the challange and asks if anyone actually managed it! I'm curious too.

BTW, does it work if you do multiple trips? Like having an orbiter with the Ore capacity and then just bringing up one tank at a time?

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At the surface of eve the Mammoth has nearly as good an ISP as the aerospike and a much more usable thrust and part count. My craft to lift 600 had a couple of vertical stages with a mammoth on the bottom and a couple of radial mommoth boosters. You might be able to scale up to 1050 ore if you use a full set of 6 radail mammoth boosters. Then just flyt it eve, land empty, fill with your minining operation and launch.

A small nuclear tug will take the ore to gilly and land it.

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