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mod changing thermometer to celcius?


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kelvin is hard to understand, and its not used on a lot of countries


Actually Kelvin AFAIK is used in no country as official temperature scale (in contrast to Fahrenheit, which is used in many anglo saxian countries (you sound like you mistake Kelvin with Fahrenheit actually)).

Kelvin is mainly used in science (and IMHO is much easier to understand (and convert in your mind into Celsius) than Fahrenheit).

Kelvin just uses the absolute Nullpoint as Nullpoint for its scale ... which is -273.15 °C.

So, in order to convert Kelvin into Celsius you don´t have anything more to do than take the value in Kelvin -273.15

But no, I don´t know of any mods which does this automatically

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  • 6 years later...

Hello all,

Now we can!


I saw this subject in 4 or 5 threads I will just reply on this one.

Actually this is a subject that is annoying me for a long time now, like doing math every second to convert temperatures and check if all is ok.


But I found out that this is possible to get this information, without the need of any new mod, but just using one that already exist, called: KOS

It looks like this in the bottom image,  with C and F option to allow earth wide a full happiness:


How its done? simple

1 - Install this two mods:



2 - Create a file with this content at: <KSP ROOT>Ships\Script\boot\temp.ks

print "Display temperature".

SET gui TO GUI(200).

LOCAL label IS gui:ADDLABEL("").

    set temp to BODY:ATM:ALTITUDETEMPERATURE(altitude).
    set label:text to "Outside-Temp: "+ ROUND (temp-273.15, 1)+" C".
    //set label:text to "Outside-Temp: "+ ROUND ((temp-273.15)*9/5+32, 1)+" F".
    //set label:text to "Outside-Temp: "+ ROUND (temp-273.15, 1)+" C  Outside-Temp: "+ ROUND ((temp-273.15)*9/5+32, 1)+" F".
    WAIT (1).

Made by: pmborg


3- At VAB in your command module part: select boot file: temp.ks


And that's it...


Edited by pmborg
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