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Landing Lights

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You know the small landing gear? It's the only stock part with an integrated landing light. It's also the only landing light.

Worse, not a single one of the stock lights are even remotely suited for aircraft. Do any mods offer extra bright lights in a low profile, aerodynamic (or at least aesthetically pleasing) form factor?

Would also love to find a ladder made for planes. A roll-out rope/cord ladder would be great, or even just something with a form factor that fits Mk2 fuselage better would be sweet.

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You could take a look at B9 Aerospace. I haven't used it myself for a long time but as I remember it has some nice shielded lights. When switched on they open up, when switched off they close again. In the past they always served me well as landing lights.


B9 Aerospace is a LARGE mod. It requires quite a bit off memory. Your system might not be capable of running it if you already have a few other large mods.

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The Maritime Pack has one heck of a spot lamp. It's like turning on a miniature version of the sun. One will light up the entire KSC.


Have it, love it, great light. Goes great on IR rotator/hinge assemblies to make a mobile spotlight.

Not exactly the form factor you want on a spaceplane, though I've put it on very low altitude surveyors.

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What we need is a pop up headlight style lamp that aims the same angle and has the same brightness of those landing gear when placed on the bottom of the plane. Not too thick as you may want them on the bottom of the wings.

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Have it, love it, great light. Goes great on IR rotator/hinge assemblies to make a mobile spotlight.

Not exactly the form factor you want on a spaceplane, though I've put it on very low altitude surveyors.

BDynamics has a mouse-aim spolight that lights up KSC pretty well. You can even use action groups to lock it in place.

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What we need is a pop up headlight style lamp that aims the same angle and has the same brightness of those landing gear when placed on the bottom of the plane. Not too thick as you may want them on the bottom of the wings.

Exactly this. Just a discrete replica of the landing light that can be set almost flush with a surface mount so it maintains a low profile and fits on wings easily. Now all existing landing gear, stock or mod, can be "upgraded" for the price of one part placed in front of it, or you can custom place them for ideal visibility, or naturally use them for whatever other needs you have for a great light.

I guess what I'm really after is low profile surface utilities. Seems like one of those gaps that even mods haven't filled up yet.

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