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What kind of Kraken is this?

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After playing for some time, I had just reverted a flight to the VAB to correct a problem, then sent it to the launchpad... It was weird. Instead of going to the launchpad, I was in the space center view. KSC was there, in space, with the Mun visible below where the "ground" should have been-- I wondered if Davros had stolen Kerbin to help make his Reality Bomb. Also, oddly, my rocket was visible, in a small way, apparently with first stage engines firing, but suspended motionless at an angle just off the pad.

Getting out of KSP and back in again, everything was nominal; but that was an odd experience. I'm too much of a n00b to recognize the types of Kraken on sight; wondered if that was one of the known types.

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Aviation Lights



Outer Planets

Final Frontier



Asteroid Day


Stockalike Station parts


Distant Object Enhancement

oops, and

[x] Science

Universal Storage

ETA: I'm really not hugely concerned that it's a game-breaking bug or anything; it was easily solved by the restart. It was just odd and I'm curious.

Edited by MaxwellsDemon
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I saw it again, without Kopernicus/OPM, but instead of crashing the game it was a temporary situation. I'm thinking now that it's some sort of delay in rendering Kerbin "under" KSC as the screen loads. But I can live with it as long as it doesn't bring the game down with it. (I'm guessing memory limitatations. My 4 gigs of memory seemed so impressive when I originally got them. Much less so now...)

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I saw it again, without Kopernicus/OPM, but instead of crashing the game it was a temporary situation. I'm thinking now that it's some sort of delay in rendering Kerbin "under" KSC as the screen loads. But I can live with it as long as it doesn't bring the game down with it. (I'm guessing memory limitatations. My 4 gigs of memory seemed so impressive when I originally got them. Much less so now...)

I actually get the delay in rendering a whole lot and without problems, it happens for a few seconds and then fixes itself. I've seen it a few times during squadcast as well, so, it's really a stock problem, maybe even an Unity4 problem.

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I saw it again, without Kopernicus/OPM, but instead of crashing the game it was a temporary situation. I'm thinking now that it's some sort of delay in rendering Kerbin "under" KSC as the screen loads. But I can live with it as long as it doesn't bring the game down with it. (I'm guessing memory limitatations. My 4 gigs of memory seemed so impressive when I originally got them. Much less so now...)

I doubt its memory, you've got 4 Gigs so you're maxed out. I have almost all of the same mods installed (with the exceptions of corvus, x-science and stockalike station parts- I dont have Kopernicus/OPM either, but those are ruled out). I do however, have many, many more mods installed as well, including some part-heavy packs like KW and B9.

Is it possible that your save has become corrupted?

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Anything's possible. What symptoms I should look for to try to rule out a corrupted-save possibility?

- - - Updated - - -

I've seen it a few times during squadcast as well, so, it's really a stock problem, maybe even an Unity4 problem.

Perhaps. Haven't been around Kerbin enough to know what's 'normal' yet. :) So long as it doesn't crash entirely, it's a minor annoyance rather than a major problem.

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  • 2 months later...

My problem consist when i try launching my rocket the screen goes to space view and i cannot get back, even upon restart i do have mods, interstellar,future propulsion,solar,construction,electrical,aies mod,spaceylifters mod

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