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Correct heat panel placement

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I had overheat on this buddy and I added panel. This lander is also the engine block of a space station it has to do much longer burns than simply landing on a body.


Obviously, heat comes from engines. engines are connected to nose cons attached to a central ore tank (which is empty in "space station configuration"). Fuel comes from the 8 lateral tanks, each one is connected to an engine with a fuelduct.

Should I put the panels on the nose cones or leave them on the lateral tanks ?

Edited by Warzouz
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Those panels are passive radiators, and only do so much (in particular, they passively radiate heat from the thing they're attached to.

If you want to keep using them, put them on the nosecones, since that's where the heat from the nukes will go.

However, even better would be to use the extensible panels (which you can place pretty much anywhere). They'll do a better job-- they actively pump the heat away from whatever's hottest, and you can put them anywhere on the ship.

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