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War of the Kerbs - SAP-C VS KMK

Sharkman Briton

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So, after messing around a bit I decided to do a military series. War between SAP-C And KUltra Military Korps has broken out, and havoc will happen.

Part 1: Shots fired.

Macford: Are these things really Kermanitarian supplies? They kinda look like missiles to me.

Janina: Pfft, no, why would we be taking them to a military base if they were Kermanitarian supplies? Plus, like you said, they're missiles.

Macford: Yeah, we're gonna be drivin' up north for a few days to the base and then back, thank squad they gave us this sleeping cabin.

Janina: Yeah, I know, right? We're gonna be stuck driving this dumb tractor for days, maybe even weeks!


Macford: Just keep driving just keep driving...


Janina: What was that?

Macford: I have no clue...?


???: Si, keep in bushes, you must keep El stealtho.

???: Si, copy, I no shoot until El targeto get closer.

???: Si, affirmative.


Janina: Probably a RatSquirrelFish, they're particularly sneaky this time of year.

Macford: Yeah, I guess... Just keep driving...




???: Si, El targeto hit, heavy damage presumed.

???: Si, muy bueno.


Janina: ...Macford, I don't think that was a RatSquirrelFish.

Macford: Me neither, OH, oh... Janina, look behind you...


Janina: EEK! Our cabin! What in Squads name happened?!

Macford: I've no clue!


???: Si, Fire at will.

???: Si, affirmativo







???: Si, El targeto presumably destructo.

???: Si, again, muy bueno.




???: Si, El captaino, departing now.

???: Si, affirmativo. Continue.






Wreckage was searched and recovered, no signs of Janine, and all that was left of Macford was his arms, legs and head, most likely a direct hit to his chest.



Recovered bullets and bulletholes suggest the ammunition used to ruthlessly murder Janina, Macford and the Missi-Kermanitarian supply tractor was of the type ØÑÂÿðýøѠmeaning the enemy must have originated from the Anapse district. Further investigation pending.


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To be continued...

- - - Updated - - -

Bonus points to whoever can figure out what ØÑÂÿðýøѠmeans!

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Not five minutes later the Tobias Spy Satellite was in space, hunting for the location of the Kerbals that murdered the Missi-Kermanitarian supply Tractor and everyone in it.

???: Bzzt, Bzzt, come in, come in.

Military Officer: We've been hacked! They're gonna send threats to us! Shut down the systems!

???: Bzzt, Bzzt, negative, we are not your enemy.

Military Officer: Then who in Squads name are you?!

???: We are AKS, AKS Technologies. We have seen your satellite, and decided to make communications. Why did you put loads of information in the sat?

Military Officer: No clue.

AKS: Oh, well, then. We know you're in a bit of a war, need any help? We don't like those guys either.

Military Officer: Yeah, not really a war, though. We don't know who we're fighting.

AKS: Exactly, we don't either, we just said we don't like them because by the sounds of it they're annoying.

Military Officer: So, if you're gonna help what're you going to do?

AKS: Well, we can keep hacking your Tobias and make it more effective. It seems pretty rubbish.

Military Officer: Yes, please!

AKS: By the way, we know so much about technology because we ARE technology. Sentient A.I.

Military Officeer: Awesome!


General: ATTEN-SHUN!

Loads of Kerbals: Yessir!

General: One of our Military Officer has made communications with a mysterious, sentient, A.I. Who say they can help us find whoever destroyed our Missi-Kermanitarian supply tractor!

Loads of Kerbals: Ooo, Yessir!

General: They're doing so by hacking and reprogramming our Tobias spy sat so it's not rubbish.

Loads of Kerbals: Yessir!

General: Could you all shut up and let me speak without you guys going "Yessir!" between sentences?!

Loads of Kerbals: Yes-Nothing!


AKS: Thanks for letting us onto this computer, we'll send you info and maybe some defense, like tanks.

General: No problem, any news on the Tobias?

AKS: Yeah, it's not rubbish anymore, and it actually works.

General: Nice.


Short part today, next part, probably later today will be more action-y.

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AKS: WARNING, Warning! Unidentified vehicles detected!

AKS: Database searched, target = Legionnaire tank, and some kind of Missile Truck. Missile Truck identified, type = Weevil.



???: Senor generalo, I'm in position, and the Weevils beside me, ready.

???: Si, affirmativo, starting El remote controlo on El Weevilo.

???: Si, Generalo, do that, muy bueno.

???: Si, powering up El targeto pod.

???: Bad news, Senorita Gerty, big tank detected coming from El runway, prepare yourself!


AKS: Target acquired, this is AKS A.I. Tank One reporting in, aimed for the Legionnaire tank.



???: Senorita Gerty, come in, come in! Are you El Destructo?! Gerty, Gerty, come in, come in!



AKS: Target: Legionnaire tank destroyed, no sign of occupant in seat, disintegration presumed, aiming for the Weevil.


AKS: Weevil fired Hellfires at us, damage to ammunitions boxes suff-









???: Aha, Senor Idioso, how does El Revengo sound to you?! Stupid Idioso AKS A.I. You are of into no match for El Weevilo!


General: Squad damnit, that was our only defense! We've lost an AKS soldier, maggots!

AKS: Jefferry, no!


???: KSC is now defenseless, call in the siege team.



???: Senor Sherlorf you know how ins to warfare already, you were of destroy El Missile Truck!

Sherlorf: Si, sir! They will into all die soon!

???: Thats the good spirit, Senor, as well as the two next to you, you have another Weevil near their pathetic tracking station, take that our so they loose contact with AKS, kill all their soldiers too, in the astronaut complex, and get their admindistration building too. Kill their officers.

Sherlorf: Yessir, firing El Siege 1 now!








Sherlorf: Astronaut Complex El Destructo, captaino.

???: You are of into muy bueno work. Senor. Take out their puny trackings stationo now.

Sherlorf: Affirmativo, captaino.






Sherlorf: Tracking dish 2 El destructo, captaino.

???: Muy bueno, again, Senor, fire at into own will.

Sherlorf: Affirmativo.



Sherlorf: No El Destructo.

???: No problemo, take our their El Tracko Stationo for buen!




Sherlorf: Tracking Station now into complete El Decimato, Siege 3 now obsolete, as is Siege 2.

???: Fire the last of Siege 1's missiles.



Sherlorf: Still into no El Destructo on El VAB, Siege 1 now obsolete, call in El Securino, El SAP-o now into our hands!

???: Into good work, Senor. Calling in El Securino now.


So now KSC, and along with it, SAP-C, has no been taken over and enslaved by the mysterious corporation, who, after a bit of eavesdropping by Val, go by the name KUltra Militia Korps, AKA KMK, will the remaining SAP-C employees escape the hands of KMK, and retaliate? Will they stay in KMK's dirty, sandy, Aniapsan hands forever? Find out next time on War of the Kerbs Part 4!

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Hope you are all of into many enjoyings! :sticktongue:

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