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So I might upgrade my home console..... Xbox One or PS4?


Which console should I buy?  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Which console should I buy?

    • Buy the Xbox One!
    • Buy the Playstation 4!
    • Keep your Xbox 360
    • Buy a PC, you console idiot.
    • Buy a Wii U. Nintendo FTW!

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Hey guys (and gals for that matter), I have a bit of a dilemma. I may upgrade my home console in the near future, and I cannot seem to decide between the two front-runners. So tell me, which one should I buy? PS4 or Xbox One?

In the interest of organization, I have provided a list of pros and cons below. The ones in this list are the ones that apply to me/ones I care about.


For those who do not know, the Xbox one is made by Microsoft. It is a

blocky console with many ports, but looks like a brick.


It is less expensive at $350

I will definitely get part of the price reduced when I trade in my Xbox 360

It will connect to my Windows 10 computer so I can play games there

Two words: Backwards compatibility


I will have to pay $60 per year for multiplayer and Netflix access

I also have to deal with Microsoft's incessant updates and stuff

BOOOOOORING exclusives (well, mostly)


The PS4 is a console made by Sony. It is quite a bit

sleeker and better looking than the X1, but at the

expense of a couple of ports.


It does not cost any money for multiplayer or Netflix

It has ever-so-slightly better graphics.

Much better exclusives (In my OPINION)

Would work better with my Sony TV

Looks a lot better than the X1


I might not get trade-in value for my X360

More expensive at $400 w/o game


Would have to sell all my games and buy new ones

So there you have it. The pros and cons of two "next gen" gaming systems. Now, before you rush to reply that I should get a PC, I do not have the money for that. So post your reply, and vote in the poll (If it actually works). You may have an impact on which one I end up choosing. Just please don't say "Wii U". :rolleyes:

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Peasant! You must ascend to PC glory! You must join our ranks to defeat the money-grubbing menace known as the console! The console nowadays is nothing but an impotent computer! The PC can be endlessly customized, can have better performance than a console for an equal or less amount of money, and can run more games. The games are also cheaper, especially during a Steam or GOG sale. PC's get free online access, you don't have to pay anything beyond what the phone company charges you for internet service. You can build your own computer to match the specs of the games you want to play, can make it look almost exactly how you want it with a wide selection of cases and LED modifications, and can generally do much, much more than a console. You can also work on your computer, clean it to help it run cooler and better, can add any parts you want down the road, and can upgrade it and make it better as you get more money for higher-performance parts. With consoles you'll break the TOS of your console if you crack the thing open, and on the XBox you an have your console banned. And remember that you don't have to have an ultra-high spec PC to become part of the PCMasterRace, it isn't the hardware that's in your hands but the software in your heart that counts.

Interested? Great! THIS will definitely help you.

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Get a PC unless you have friends with one of the consoles. If so, get what they have.

- - - Updated - - -

Get a PS4.

Reasons why.

You're not giving microsoft more money.

You're not giving microsoft more money to play online.

Did I mention you're not giving microsoft money?

Do you need anymore reasons?

The second point is fair, but I don't understand the Microsoft hate. They can sometimes try to be 'authoritarian' but they've always had the decency to back off under public pressure, and the whole hubbub about Windows 10 stealing your data was taken out of context from their cloud service's EULA, which is standard. If you want to give me a response, you should probably PM me so we don't go off topic.

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Get a PC unless you have friends with one of the consoles. If so, get what they have.

- - - Updated - - -

The second point is fair, but I don't understand the Microsoft hate. They can sometimes try to be 'authoritarian' but they've always had the decency to back off under public pressure, and the whole hubbub about Windows 10 stealing your data was taken out of context from their cloud service's EULA, which is standard. If you want to give me a response, you should probably PM me so we don't go off topic.

I'll PM you.
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It does not cost any money for multiplayer or Netflix

The above is not true. Multiplayer on a PS4 requires a PSN plus membership which is comparable in cost to an Xbox Live Gold membership.


I don't know how much faith I would put in the Xbox One's backwards compatibility. My understanding is that each game has to be patched individually to make it work on the new console, and there's really not much financial incentive to do that.

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Not sure if that video is appropriate for the forums...

Hmm, probably that one scene is a bit too much, replacing with the alternative version without that. If it is still unacceptable the mods can remove it, I just want to include it for funny reasons.

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Since you're already saying you don't want the Wii U, I voted for XBone. Sony have a record of being completely obnoxious towards their customers, from the Sony BMG copy protection rootkit scandal to the removal of features customers had paid for from the consoles they already owned, to responding to a class action lawsuit against them by attempting to contractual disallow customers from being involved in class action lawsuits, Sony have been a nasty piece of work. While I firmly believe that all companies will do obnoxious, nasty, unethical, and indeed illegal things* to make money, Sony have become one electronics company I now refuse to buy anything from.

* KSP forum rules ban me from using the kind of words I really want to use here

But personally I find neither the PS4 nor the XBone appealing because they just look like cheap gaming PCs. PC processors, PC graphics, massive overlap with PCs in both individual game titles and the genres of games that are prominent on them. The XBone is even set to run a PC OS. I own a gaming PC, I assume you Cobalt60 and most other members of this forum do also, so why buy another that's no better? The Wii U on the other hand I see as offering something unique, gameplay I just won't get on PC. (I haven't *bought* one mind you, but I'd at least consider it.)

There's one more option that's not included: the 3DS. Quality go-anywhere gaming in contrast to the micropayment rubbish that plagues iOS and Android, and a library that's full of exclusives you won't be playing anywhere else. And it's cheaper than any of the desktop consoles or a gaming PC too. For several years the majority of my gaming was on the DS and 3DS, until KSP got me back into PC gaming somewhat.

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The truth and matter is that either console will give you the same performance, so those people who say PS4 is better can go sit back in the Astronaut complex while everyone is having a good time playing the same video games on different consoles. Topics like these show so much bias and yet we still forget that most of these companies dont hate each other as much as you hate them. But in all honesty, PC is a lot better, considering its muti platform and it keeps you safe from being criticized by younger biased kids.... ooh just had to release that out. Whoop Whoop for PC. And please don't let there be a person start talking about mac or windows being better than one another because that's not true either...

Make sure its a good PC though :D

28 votes for PC I will make that 29!!

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If it's a choice between PC or a console, then hands down PC is better. It doesn't quite have the instant on and gaming slickness nor does it really capture the sofa friends multiplayer gaming as well as the consoles do, but in terms of sheer choice and quality of games (among the other 1,000,001 things it can and will do better than a console) makes it the clear winner.

If you already have a PC and are choosing a console, then both have their merits, but the PS4 is probably just slightly better as a gaming system, much slicker menu and much more focus on games, Xbox tries to be a jack of all trades and doesn't really master any. I also as you feel the PS4 has better exclusives, I'll take the last of us and nathan drake over halo and GoW any day, though I was particularly fond of fable.

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If you really like console-only games, buy an xbox one. Halo 5 looks like it's gonna bring back everything good from 3, Reach, and 4. If you just want a gaming system, then computer.

Assuming the OP even likes halo, it's a pretty weak FPS at least after the second one and FPSs are weak on consoles as a whole, aiming with a mouse is far superior to aiming with a stick.

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