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TXR-3 Valiant - Mach 3.6+ Successor to the Avro Vulcan, inspired by Militarized Concorde Concepts

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Mach 3.6+ Fictional Royal Air Force Supersonic Bomber

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A fellow KSPer, Garrison Chisholm built what he thought to be a fitting near-future Royal Air Force strategic bomber in 1.0.2. His design incorporated several elements of the Avro Vulcan, giving it the appearance of an advanced technology supersonic flying wing.

Having followed my aircraft prototype development on YouTube for some time, Mr. Chisholm commissioned a feasibility study to develop a successor to the famous Vulcan bomber in 1.0.4 utilizing supersonic aircraft knowhow from the HX-1 Artemis Circular Wing Project.


Due to the aerodynamic model changes in 1.0.4, Mr. Chisholm's original design no longer worked due to reduction in lift force generation by stock airfoils.

To work around this issue, the craft was made significantly smaller, and the wing planform was altered considerably to resemble a smaller scale Concorde. The new design features an annular tailplane which was proven on HX-1 to provide significantly improved efficiency and control, while maneuvering at stratospheric speeds and altitudes.

The build time is estimated to be in the range of 4 hours.

Flight Test Program:

Flight testing progressed smoothly, with no vices found in the aerodynamics. In fact, the TXR-3 prototype attained a maximum speed of Mach 3.6+ at 19,000m altitude, while achieving a maximum height of 32,000m following an aero-ballistic trajectory departing from KSC Runway 9 with unlimited climb clearance.

Maximum range tests were also conducted over the past 2 days, with a maximum endurance of 5 hours at 17,000m with a speed of Mach 2.0. Maximim theoretical distance at Mach 3.0 at 20,000m is in excess of 2,200km with fuel consumption rate of 1.0 units of liquid fuel per second in optimal supercruise. Action groups are provided to shut down one pair of engines in order to conserve fuel, restricting top speed to Mach 2.0 / 660m/s.

Do note flying with external payloads or with significant trim deflection will cause a subsequent reduction in maximum range and time of flight.


Edited by pandoras kitten
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The following memoranda were released by Kittsubishi Heavy Industries as relevant to the development history of the TRX-3;


Ministry of Supply

Great Jool Way


The Ministry of Supply has submitted Specification L.35/58 for consideration by manufacturers.

Request 35 Long-range, 1958.

Desired; A Long-range aircraft capable of carrying 20% dry mass to Points of Interest 1500 km from base. Brisk performance in the 600-900 kph range is required, operating at altitudes between 11 & 15km, with Mach 1.5 sprint capability optimal but not mandatory. Desired maximum weight for dispersed field operation is 55 metric tons.

The Ministry Prototype House has completed a sample airframe under Project Argonaut which will be submitted to interested manufacturers. Changes in specification due to submission to mass production will need to be reviewed and approved by this Office.

The Aircraft should be suitable for at-ceiling scientific observation of static targets as well as precision delivery of [LOAD] as required, carrying at least 2 technicians as well as the aircrew.

Interested Manufacturers should forward a Declaration of Interest to this Office.

Amelia Kerman, First Minister

Hoddington House

March 5th, 1958


...and, 10 days later;


Ministry of Supply

Great Jool Way


Dear Sir or Madam,

This Office has today received your Declaration of Interest White Page for Project Argonaut, Kittsubishi Heavy Industries designation TRX-3.

It has not escaped notice that your submission for production regarding said airframe deviates markedly from the Ministry proposal. In point of fact, the deviation is so significant so-as to invalidate every other submission received, as in all regards you have exceeded the requested capabilities by at minimum 200%. Some might deem such technological largesse a stroke of disdain towards your competitors, and perhaps even a blatant snub of the abilities and purposes of Ministry Proposal Committee staff.

However. Presuming the budgeted cost targets are met, including after-purchase maintenance, this Office can see little recourse but to submit the TRX-3 Valiant for approval. Our thanks to the diligent engineering staff it Kittsubishi, who we understand had already begun dismantling the prototype before schematics had even been delivered and surrendered. ...Perhaps, a hint of humility might in the future be in order.

Amelia Kerman, First Minister

Hoddington House

March 15th, 1958


...history would show that despite a perhaps inauspicious tone, this was the beginning of a noteworthy partnership between KHI & the RKF.

Garrisan Kerman

RKF Historian

Edited by GarrisonChisholm
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Thanks for your kind comment Raptor9 :)

and OMG

Mr. Garrison's post is way too huge and official for me to reply in any coherent capacity. I really do enjoy his enthusiasm for the flying wing global bomber concept and hope to have some input for the larger, Mk3 flying wing sometime soon.

In the meantime I have yet to do the promised MTOW tests to figure out just how much payload capacity the TXR-3 design has. As with some of my other circular wing projects the wing area is truly excessive and could be used for some interesting things with the right payload implementation.

Or space-capable engines.

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