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Economic Mode

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I've always wanted this and quite frankly I assumed it would have came with 1.0. Basically Economic Mode is starting off the game with all parts but limited money, and the rewards of each mission can be controlled via difficulty. Of course the KSP buildings would also require money to be upgraded. The idea is you can really choose how to begin your career rather than being so limited due to the science tech tree.

So if you wanted to start mining as soon as you could, you can; if you wanted to collect data for scientists back on Kerbin you can, because contracts pay for data.

Economic Mode would remove the limitations of science, but would still provide the player with a goal of becoming rich or having a space mining/tourist empire, rather than sandbox which is no more than training and testing.

What is everyone else's opinion on this?

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[TD]Don't you feel something missing?






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I like the idea too.

This isn't very well thought out, but as a rough idea maybe a better way could be to replace the current 'Science' mode with a 'Custom' mode where a series of tick boxes are used to select in or out things like Funds, Science, Contracts, Kerbal XP etc. to tweak the game to personal preferences.

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[TD]Don't you feel something missing?[/TD]





A simple toggle in settings for science (and relevant buildings), money (same), xp, sandbox SAS, etc?

Let's be honest, all modes are really the same thing with resources/buildings toggled, and a few tangental settings that are mysteriously career-only. There's already considerable customization of difficulty, a little surprised it isn't just a simplified "set up your game" menu. If you wanted, you could still keep selectable preset/default configurations and preserve both the named "modes" and presumably functionality with old saves, they'd just exist as preset difficulties in a game start menu.

Even if you're playing sandbox, you may not particularly want a Stayputnik to be the same as the Remote Guidance Unit.

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Just use Tree Toppler in a new career game to unlock the entire tech tree for free, but still have to manage money. If you want to have science be converted into money, look at Science Funding or use the stock strategies that convert science into funds.

My current play through has science rewards turned down as far as they can go, but everything else at the normal level, plus I have to pay funds for part unlocks. Everytime I upgrade the R&D center I automatically unlock the new nodes with Tree Toppler (you can unlock the whole tree even without upgrading the R&D center, but I like having some progression), but still have to pay for any parts I want to use. This way I avoid the grind that is the tech tree (which I've done plenty of in the past), but still get to manage funds.

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