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Load window misaligned. Can't see pictures.

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I have older pre 1.0 craft that I loaded in to play with them and possibly other new one with longer names. I can't see the side of them that shows the pictures of the craft. I can see the default ones but mine always have long craft file names.

1. Is this a bug that can be fixed.

2. Is there a way you guys could change the window logic to allow it to expand so it's not an issue. Basically a side and corner expander to just see stuff. It would probably be the easier solution.

This is for the load window in the VAB and SPH where you select your ship after hitting load.

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Trying to understand ... sorry.

You mean they don't show up at all in the loading screen ?

Sorry if i'm talking old, but you know that every game has it's own folderstructure and you must copy the craft files from an old save to your new one ?

Or do you see the crafts but the little preview picture is green ? Nevermind, just load ...

Is it a "long filename" from a windows filesystem ? Can you post it here ?

Can you post a picture of the loading screen ? What should it look like ?


Edited by kemde
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Yes pictures would help a lot, but it sounds like you need to shorten your vessel names, the vessel name box does have a character limit so if you've exceeded that (perhaps via manual editing?) it's not going to fit.

Or increase your screen resolution so KSP displays properly, the minimum supported resolution is 1024x768.

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This is refering to the windows in the VAB and SPH. Not the ones where you click the runway or launchpads. They size of the window is too small for some things. Making the window scalable could solve the problem more easily. Then glitches might not matter. You could call them features!

My screen resolution is 1920x1080.

No long names ships in the VAB.(Both images from the same saved game.)


SPH does have long names. But I don't know what I could do about it. I will remove the long named files I guess and see if it helps. But this is technically a bug and a more versatile window could be nice.


Edit: Removeing the long named files did put them back how the VAB screen is. But I was at minimum hopeing to get this notices as a bug if it isn't already.


Edited by Arugela
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Everything is a bug, if you take the Wikipedia example...

A software bug is an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways.

I added emphasis there, there is no caveat defining "unexpected" or who should be doing the expecting, so the result is that any unexpected behaviour by any individual becomes a bug, and as individuals cannot all agree on unexpected behaviour, and that they cannot always know the expected behaviour of the programmer, labelling everything as a bug becomes unhelpful and the Wikipedia example becomes useless.

A better example when defining a software bug would be this:

Software bug: A problem that causes a program to produce invalid output or to crash (lock up). The problem is either insufficient logic or erroneous logic. For example, a program can crash if there are not enough validity checks performed on the input or on the calculations themselves, and the computer attempts to divide by zero. Bad instruction logic misdirects the computer to a place in the program where an instruction does not exist, and it crashes.

A program with bad logic may produce bad output without crashing, which is the reason extensive testing is required. For example, if the program is supposed to add an amount, but subtracts it instead, bad output results, although the computer keeps running. See abend, bug and buggy.

So a fault or incorrect output would be a bug, but that doesn't leave us with suitable terms for the issue here.

The report itself can be defined as Feedback, specifically these:


the furnishing of data concerning the operation or output of a machine to an automatic control device or to the machine itself, so that subsequent or ongoing operations of the machine can be altered or corrected.


a reaction or response to a particular process or activity:

He got very little feedback from his speech.

With KSP being the machine, and the post being the reaction to a process or activity.

Though more accurately this can be defined as a Feature (Dictionary link) (

feature (jargon)

1. A good property or behaviour (as of a program). Whether it was intended or not is immaterial.

2. An intended property or behaviour (as of a program). Whether it is good or not is immaterial (but if bad, it is also a misfeature).

3. A surprising property or behaviour; in particular, one that is purposely inconsistent because it works better that way - such an inconsistency is therefore a feature and not a bug. This kind of feature is sometimes called a miswart.

4. A property or behaviour that is gratuitous or unnecessary, though perhaps also impressive or cute. For example, one feature of Common LISP's "format" function is the ability to print numbers in two different Roman-numeral formats (see bells, whistles, and gongs).

5. A property or behaviour that was put in to help someone else but that happens to be in your way.

6. A bug that has been documented. To call something a feature sometimes means the author of the program did not consider the particular case, and that the program responded in a way that was unexpected but not strictly incorrect. A standard joke is that a bug can be turned into a feature simply by documenting it (then theoretically no one can complain about it because it's in the manual), or even by simply declaring it to be good. "That's not a bug, that's a feature!" is a common catch-phrase. Apparently there is a Volkswagen Beetle in San Francisco whose license plate reads "FEATURE".

See also feetch feetch, creeping featurism, wart, green lightning.

The relationship among bugs, features, misfeatures, warts and miswarts might be clarified by the following hypothetical exchange between two hackers on an airliner:

A: "This seat doesn't recline."

B: "That's not a bug, that's a feature. There is an emergency exit door built around the window behind you, and the route has to be kept clear."

A: "Oh. Then it's a misfeature; they should have increased the spacing between rows here."

B: "Yes. But if they'd increased spacing in only one section it would have been a wart - they would've had to make nonstandard-length ceiling panels to fit over the displaced seats."

A: "A miswart, actually. If they increased spacing throughout they'd lose several rows and a chunk out of the profit margin. So unequal spacing would actually be the Right Thing."

B: "Indeed."

"Undocumented feature" is a common euphemism for a bug.

7. An attribute or function of a class in Eiffel.feature request or suggestion for improvement.

), and when taken together with Feedback, becomes a

Seeing as this was posted to the support forum, I will move it to Suggestions.

Edited by sal_vager
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do you really consider this a bug ? The filenames must be really long ones and even then there is a scrollbar ....


As a developer I would consider this a minor bug. I'd file it in my tracking system and someday when I got to cleaning up the dozens and dozens of little polish issues I'd take care of it. It's not something you would just jump on right away.

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