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Part Module Creates Null Object Refference Error and Destroys Kerbin On Launch

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EXC 09:24:04.932] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Whenever I launch a part with the following module, procedural parts module, and the procedural shapes module the above error is thrown. Any ideas on how to fix?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEngine;
using ProceduralParts;

namespace ProceduralTech
public class ProceduralCabin : PartModule
float cabinVolume;
int crewSize;
PartModuleList modules;
ProceduralPart rootStreach;
ProceduralAbstractShape rootShape;
public float CrewDensity;
public float MassDensity;

public override void OnStart(StartState state) {
modules = part.Modules;
for (int i = 0; i < modules.Count; i++) { //find the procedural part module
if (modules [i].ClassName == "ProceduralPart") {
rootStreach = (ProceduralPart)modules [i];
rootShape = rootStreach.CurrentShape;
// print ("CD = " + CrewDensity.ToString ());
// print ("bla = " + bla.ToString());
public void Update() {
if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) {
cabinVolume = rootShape.Volume;
// print ((cabinVolume / CrewDensity).ToString());
crewSize = (int)(cabinVolume / CrewDensity);
part.CrewCapacity = crewSize;
part.mass = cabinVolume / MassDensity;
public override void OnLoad(ConfigNode ownNode) {
CrewDensity = float.Parse (ownNode.GetValue ("CrewDensity"));
MassDensity = float.Parse (ownNode.GetValue ("MassDensity"));
// print ("[Debug] CrewDensity = " + CrewDensity.ToString());
// print ("[Debug] MassDensity = " + MassDensity.ToString());

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Hard to tell if you don't post the whole exception (in the outputlog.txt) but most likely one of :

- in OnStart you don't check if rootStreach returned a value

- in Update you don't check if rootShape is set

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It works fine in the VAB, where both variables are being used. It should also be noted that, while crewSize works correctly, part.crewCapacity isn't being correctly shown in the crew selection tab of the VAB.

Anyone know a good file hositing site for the KSP.log

Edited by K3achas
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